
Do you believe that abortion is the same as murder?

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Do you believe that abortion is the same as murder? Yes or no?

Please only legitimate and thought provoking answers only (from both sides of this debate). No name calling- just logic and reason please.

Thanks to all!




  1. Yes, based on the simple definition of life. The embryo meets the five criteria of life: organization, metabolism, growth and development, and self-perpetuation.

    Even at conception (sperm entering the egg forming a zygote), the cell begins to organize itself, metabolize, grow/develop and the cells replicate which is a form of self-perpetuation.

  2. No. I define murder as a person killing a person.

    Fetuses aren't people. They can't communicate, they aren't self-aware, they have no motivation or drives of any kind and the have no reasoning.

    I'm not pro-abortion. Personally I think it's very sad to have to do it, but IT'S NOT MY DECISION. It's completely, 100% her's, not mine, not your's, not God's, not Jesus', HER'S.

    I just will be unable to take those that say it is murder seriously until they have a funeral for every miscarriage bloodstain and give social security numbers to fetuses the very second the sperm touches the ovum.

  3. I guess technically, since the heart is developed very shortly after conception, it could be considered murder. Now let me get this straight, I am pro-choice, but on the subject of abortion, only to a certain extent. For example, women who have several abortions as a means of last-resort birth control make me sick. But if the health of the woman becomes jeopardized, or something happens where she can no longer support a child, I am for it.

    Back on the subject, if you stop a beating heart, that sounds like murder to me.

    BTW, I really hate those anti-abortion protests where they show like 3 inch fetuses that look exactly like humans. I don't know if they've ever seen a developing fetus, but they look nothing like a human at that far along. Christ, they look more like fish.

  4. No, it's not the same as murder, but it is still killing a living thing. Murder is when you kill a person, and abortion is when you kill a fetus.

  5. The word "abortion" technically refers to aborting a pregnancy, which doesn't necessarily imply a malicious intent to kill the fetus (although in most cases that may be an unavoidable consequence of ending the pregnancy early).

    I believe killing a fetus is definitely homicide, which may be excusable homicide in the early stages, but if there's any possibility it can be kept alive after separating it from the mother then it becomes murder.

  6. I believe it is murder, especially late-term abortion or partial birth abortion.  What I do not get is if the abortion fails and the kid comes out alive.  AT THAT POINT, even pro-choice people cannot argue BECAUSE as one poster said, that child is a self-aware conscious human being, that you tried to kill an dfailed. So know what? The ex-fetus is now alive and breathing and self-aware, to continue killing it is complete murder.

  7. I believe abortion is wrong.  

    Would I categorize it in the same level as "murder?"     murder=stabbing someone, shooting someone, attacking someone causing a painful & frightening death.

    abortion=a painless death that will result in possibly saving the mother from a life of pain & poverty.  

    I don't think of abortion as murder.............however, I do believe abortion is wrong.  

    Adoption is the better solution.


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