
Do you believe that adam and eve ate the "apple" which was the forbidden fruit?

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when i was a teenager i began to believe the spirit of God reproved me that it was not the forbidden fruit which was the apple.

i began practicing not eating apples. and was reproved by the spirit.

i came to believe that it was a POT plant "budd"but i correct myself that this conclusion is wrong too

Someone told me that it was a fruit that looks like an eggplant

another person TEACHEs today that it was a mushroom tree

but someone else says that it was the fig tree. after all it was the fig leafs which adam and eve covered themselves with.

so which is it. ? It definitely is not the apple.





  2. It was a peach.  And Eve's talking snake kept saying "Here have a pesh."  Trying to say peach.

  3. There is no apple in the story, you are correct.  The tree in question was the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil.  Clearly this was meant as a metaphor about knowledge.  Do not take it to mean actual fruit nor an actual tree.  Remember, the story is trying to teach you something, not relate particular facts of past events.

  4. What??

    The Bible never said it was an apple, or anything. We may not know what it was!  

  5. Ok, the point of that story is NOT to stop people from eating apples.

    In fact, that is the most wrong you can get.

    You need to understand that fruit really has nothing to do with Adam and Eve's punishment. It is because they turned away from God and seeked power as great as His (the sin of pride--the tree which the apple came from would enable them to know everything like God does) that they received consequences from God.

  6. I would say opium nd not an apple.

  7. No, the Bible only says fruit. People say apple because its a fruit they identify with.People need to remember its a sin to add to/ take away from the Bible.

  8. have you been smoking that budd?

  9. The Bible does not tell us what kind of fruit it was.  So nobody knows if it was an apple, orange, plum, peach, etc.

    The Bible does state that Eve ate some of the fruit and then Adam ate some too.

  10. No

  11. It's just a fictional story.  Don't overthink it.

  12. It was the cumquat.

  13. its a myth  

  14. None if it was real.

  15. The forbidden fruit is unknown.

  16. Avocado.

    They made a delectable dish of guacamole.

  17. apples have gotten a bad wrap because of the story...I think it was however how it states the apple.  I have heard it wasn't an apple at all physically that is.. it was a desire of the heart that appeared to be fruit like the idea of being equal to God...and that thought appeared to be as sweet as the apple...  i think the story had to be told with a physical apple as the evidence...when over time it didn't matter because many don't believe it anyway...

    the fig is an interesting choice though....I will go with that for now.

  18. The apple story is bull. he real sin was pride. Adam and Eve are a symbolic representation of mankind in its primitive stage. They thought they could be better than their creator. The apple and s*x being sin is nothing but a lot hot air.

  19. There is no mention of which fruit but still I have never heard anyone mentioning the pot plant as a fruit!

    The forbidden thing you must know was the rejection of the word of GOD by eating it anyways. It could have been an orange for all we now.  But the pot plant might be a better explanation for why GOD didn't want anyone touching the plant in the first place.

    The bible is full of symbols and this being no exception will not get a real arguement from me! Good question though!

  20. You may be right.

    The Tree of Knowledge of Good and Bad must have been a distinct tree with a fruit that they would not have mistaken for peaches, since they could eat of all the other trees.

    Whether the fruit tree ever left the Garden of Eden seems uncertain, but we know the rest of the trees still exist today.

    Pot is not likely, (no bud for you) since that is clearly a weed. ;)

  21. nowhere in the bible it says "apple"

    there was 2 fruits that they were forbidden to eat

    the fruit of eternal life and the fruit of wisdom

    the fruit that they took a bite from was the fruit of wisdom.

    check the bible again...

  22. The Bible says it came from a tree.  That makes it a fruit.  It does not say anywhere what kind of tree or fruit it was.  To say apple or fig is to be wrong and do injustice to perfectly good fruit.

    What matters is breaking the one law they had.  God could have picked any tree.  It did not matter.  Obeying God was what mattered.

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