
Do you believe that after you die your life is over? Or do you believe you have a spirit that lives on?

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Do you believe that after you die your life is over? Or do you believe you have a spirit that lives on?




  1. I believe in reincarnation, that when you die you are reborn so that you may experience another aspect of life...such as where you may be meek and shy in this life next time you will be open and outgoing..I think that the soul learns more by experiencing everything that is possible to experience.

    But that is just what I think.

  2. Just be patient and you will find out.

    But yes part of you continues.

  3. hi denie...i do wonder what happens to us after we die quite often...however.....i have had enough experiences to know we do go on...enough to tell me anyway..i know its not hard evidence...i had this one little experience which to me now was a good little test as i did not know this guy had it wasnt on my mind or anything..and i wasnt looking for anything paranormal (spirits)...before he died he did not believe in spirits or anything paranormal AT ALL....he was a total skeptic...we had quite a night at his place one night with a bunch of us...ghost lights appeared in nearly every photo, his lights were blinking on and was just full on..i tryed to tell him, we had a spirit in his home that night, but he told me it was all hog such things....i lost contact with him for over a year..we werent friends anymore so i never thought of one night i was sitting in the lounge on the floor while my sister and her friend were sitting on the couch talking...something caught my eye on the far wall..the one i was facing...i kept looking at it, and i kid you not a face was starting to appear, i hadnt said anything yet to the other two...but soon i was able to see who it was...i said "my god look at the wall its craigs sister and her friend both looked at it, and they both recognised him....we just stared at him, not knowing why he was there...( i wish now i had taken a photo of it )...we didnt get worried cause i thought he was still alive and couldnt work out why it had appeared....till couple of months later i got the news he had killed himself..when his face i guess he had carried on after his death..(maybe trying to let me know i was right about spirits )..and that we do go on...ive had a few other full on experiences with friends, before i knew they died..............................i was thinking the other night about my experience in italy...i was replaying in my mind what i had seen, and what he was ive read plenty of stories where they say..a tragic death at the spot will keep replaying over and over..i thought thats what must of seemed like it..cause looking back now i dont think he knew we were there..he just went on about his own business, like he was trapped in time...with the things he was the closest i can come to give you or anyone an idea of what it was like to have something manifest in front of you, and seeing the wall open was just like watching a movie on the wall from a projecter...(exactly)....except there was no movie playing..but thats what it looks like.....

  4. Your body is nothing more than a protective shell for your soul to live in.  Your soul is eternally young & will live on long after your body(shell) has worn out.

    So the answer to your question is Yes, I believe your soul(spirit) lives on.

  5. How do you know you are saved?

    The most common answer: because I believe in GOD.

    The Bible says that even the demons believe in 1 GOD (James 2:19), so what real good will that do you?  Do you know that the Bible also says that Faith (or belief in JESUS CHRIST) without works is dead (James 2:20). Now to understand what GOD is saying here is very important, and your salvation depends on it.  Please hear the words of JESUS when HE talked to Nicodemus, who was a Pharisee (a religious leader). HE told him that unless a person is born again, he cannot see or enter the Kingdom of GOD (John 3:1-3). I earnestly desire that you understand this because there is so much confusion surrounding this part of GOD’S Word. Understanding this is important because in this part of GOD’S WORD we find out how to be truly assured of Salvation. Somewhere along the line people started to misunderstand and misinterpret the Bible. Now because of this many people are not even sure how to get saved, also many people are not sure of their Salvation, but most people are just flat out deceiving themselves into thinking they are SAVED. Whatever the case may be I desire everyone to understand (and not be deceived) how to have Salvation and spend all eternity with JESUS CHRIST in HEAVEN.

    Now to understand this, again we take the words of JESUS when he talked with Nicodemus and HE said a person must be born again to enter the Kingdom of Heaven. Let’s notice what JESUS did not say, HE did not say you could be a good person and go to Heaven, and notice JESUS did not say that if you went to church you would/could make it to Heaven, and HE definitely did not say that another religion could save you.  For JESUS said HIMSELF that HE was the way the Truth and the life, and that no man comes to the FATHER except through HIM (John 14:6). Now again what did JESUS say, HE said that A PERSON MUST BE BORN AGAIN TO ENTER GOD’S KINGDOM. Now what does it mean to be born again, and how do you know you are born again so you can enter the Kingdom of Heaven? Let me answer this for you and then please go to the Bible and check it out for yourself, and you be the judge.  Now to be on the way to truly being born again your first step will be to admit your need for a Savior, because you are a sinner, for the Bible says that all have sinned and fall short of the glory of GOD (Rom 3:23). Your second step is to repent, and to repent is to turn away from the life you are now living, and turn your life to GOD and live a new life in CHRIST JESUS, for JESUS said to those who came to HIM and wanted to follow HIM that they needed to deny themselves and take up their crosses daily and follow HIM (Luke 9:23-26). As you see JESUS tells us HE is a daily choice that involves laying your life down in order to have a new life. You see in those days when someone picked up their cross that meant that they were going to walk the road to the place where they would be crucified on that cross, and they would not be coming back alive!!! Again JESUS said to those that came to HIM “to count the cost before following HIM” (Luke 14:25-33), because again, it did and does involve you laying down your life to the LORDSHIP of JESUS CHRIST.

    After this your next step the Bible says, is to confess with your mouth the LORD JESUS, and believe in your heart that GOD raised HIM from the dead and you will be saved (Rom 10:9). Now once you have done all this JESUS said that the HOLY SPIRIT of GOD would come into our lives (John 7:37-39). Now how does this happen? Well it is a SUPERNATURAL change of the heart and mind. This is an invisible change that takes place inside of you the moment you give your life to CHRIST unconditionally. But there is a way we can tell if we are saved or not, and that is to take once again the words of JESUS. JESUS said that we would know them by their fruit, and that a good tree would not produce bad fruit & a bad tree would not produce good fruit (Luke 6:43-45). JESUS is talking about us here, and the fruits are the things that come out of us, like our actions and our behaviors and even the ways in which we think. The Bible says that when we are in CHRIST we become new creations in JESUS (2 Corinthians 5:17), that the old things (or ways) would DIE, and a new life would begin.  So you see that GOD’S WORD is very clear to us on this point, and is saying to us that if we are truly BORN AGAIN we will think different, act different, and even see things different, YOU WILL, EXPERIENCE A DRAMATIC CHANGE IN YOUR LIFE!!! Please listen to what GOD is saying here, and listen carefully, this is your SALVATION I AM TALKING ABOUT HERE. If at one time you prayed the sinner’s prayer and you have not had a dramatic change happen in your life, “I mean a dramatic overhaul in yourself and in the life you live”, then something is wrong. So you see the works and the fruits that the Bible talks about, come from an INDWELLING OF  GOD’S HOLY SPIRIT LIVING INSIDE OF YOU WHEN YOU ARE TRULY SAVED. For JESUS says that “every branch (meaning us) abiding in ME will bear much fruit” (John 15:1-5). PLEASE examine yourself and your life and ask yourself, “Am I really saved, and when I die will I truly inherit eternal life with JESUS CHRIST in Heaven forever, or am I deceiving myself?” The GOOD NEWS is that even if you are not right with GOD, you can turn right now from that old life (REPENT) and have a new life with JESUS CHRIST, and GOD’S HOLY SPIRIT LIVING INSIDE YOU AND CHANGING YOU EVERY DAY. Turn to CHRIST with your WHOLE HEART, and make HIM LORD over your life and get ready to become a new CREATION.

    If you turned your life to CHRIST after reading this then PLEASE start PRAYING daily, and have a personal relationship with JESUS CHRIST who loves you so much, HE died for you on a cross (John 3:16) about 2,000 years ago. Please start praying to JESUS and asking HIM to lead you to a Bible believing church that holds GOD’S HOLY INSPIRED WORD the Bible as the final authority on your life, then please GROW in GOD’S word daily and in personal fellowship with JESUS CHRIST, and I will see you in Heaven.

  6. Science tells me that there's no evidence of an afterlife so.... No, I do not.

  7. when you die your spirit belongs to God if you saved of course.

  8. my view is based on all the cultures of the world and my personal interactions with spirits. Yes the spirit lives on and yes their are whole worlds out there. There is no heaven and h**l as such just levels of existence. For example you ere born - live your life and providing you have done nothing overally bad you can go back to your  departed relatives and live in a time that made you happy. If you have been overally bad and done things that impacted on people  you may get a taste of what it was like to be with your relatives but then removed to think about what you have done and the impact on others. lets face it most people's version of heaven would be to catch up with departed loved ones. most people's version of h**l would be to remain a a decrepid state as to the one they died in and be forgotten.

    do i believe in the bible's version of events - no i dont. i think that the bible's target group had access to limited information and was easily pleased with the if you are good you go to heaven and bad you go to h**l concept. the black an white interpretation is basic but leaves no room for other ideas. today we have access to more information and access to more people to share oppions so the basics are put aside. the bible has some good comparisons and themes to learn from and many interesting proverbs.  good luck in your quest.

    Edit - i am not sure where booknpen is coming from. the assumption that Denie is making any statements based on the bible is odd and i am not sure how this person read into Denie's question any association with the bible when all she asks is do you think the spirit lives on - this btw is  concept of all culturs not just a christian one that the spirit lives on.

  9. I believe that something (that spark of life) continues. I have no idea what form it might be in though. One might become part of a universal conscious, one might be part of a star, one might be reincarnated, one might become Q (on Star Trek) which would be my goal ;) but I choose to believe that life in some way continues.

    I do not say that I know one way or the other and I certainly believe people should be rewarded and punished in this life for their deeds just in case.

  10. Hello, I believe the spirit lives on and on until it no longer desires the emotional attachment of the human form. The end  being the state called "heaven" and the belief in h**l is true in that if the desires of the negative emotions in life drive the person away from its path toward spiritual enlightenment and the body ends its journey before reaching the blissful state it was designed for then the torments in the place between lives must happen to resolve the spirit into its original purpose, to become good and bring peace and harmony into the earth. I would like to discuss this with the DALAI LAMA and resolve some of my earthbound issues. I have less desire for the human form but still have the desire to return to lead others toward the peaceful purposes in life. The Catholics have Saints to achieve this goal, but the knowledge in such matters are somewhat cluttered with political unrest so to say. I don't know if coming back into a war torn earth life would be so useful ,but still someone must end the strife.

  11. I believe in reincarnation which is when you die your spirit is reborn into another life. There are many stories that support this if you go to google and search True stories of reincarnation you can find some good examples.

  12. Yes, I do.  I know far too much about my own past lives and others to discount it.

    Blessed be

  13. whn you die, you lie in wait sleeping until the judgement comes. you dont go anywhere. Thats my reasoning for ghosts. Some dont rest as well as others while waiting. Several references are made to the sleeping aspect in the bible. You are not dead but your soul is sleeping thats my take on it. If everyone goes to heaven or h**l upon death, then your already judged and whats would be the reason to have a judgement day.

  14. i believe that after you die, you have a spirit that lives on, being in heaven, staying on earth, or being reincarnated into another person.!!!;)

  15. Hmm... let's think about this:

    One scenario has millions of people (and millions more in their graves) flying up into the sky, given new bodies, and then floating up into heaven to gloat as God, in his loving retribution, delivers the Earth and the remaining inhabitants to the hands of the Antichrist in order to torture them for 7 years before eventually sending them all to h**l to burn forever and ever.

    The other has your soul -- which, by your own set of beliefs we all posses -- take on another body once it's finished in order so that it may learn the lessons it hadn't in the previous life, then once it's learned what it has to it chooses to either come back to teach others or to stay in spirit form.

    Let me put it to you this way: the second actually has some -- however speculative -- supporting observations, while the first sounds like the plot for a bad quasi-scifi religious series of books and has nothing but symbolic interpretation to go along with it. Sounds to me like they're at best in equal footing. Sort of like exogenesis (and panspermia) and creationism.

    By the way, you may wish to get acquainted with the idea of reincarnation in the Bible. It's as evidently there as prophecies of impending gloom and doom. (Remember, the prophesies there may have been misinterpreted.)

    If you wish to discuss this further, go for it -- I'm more than happy to get into a conversation about the minutia of Christian eschatology -- but before you even THINK about deriding someone else's beliefs with such insulting and dismissive statements as the one above, then I suggest you discontinue the silly notions you hold as your own. You know, the silly beliefs about some guy (whose grave has been found) who was born of a virgin (just like Mithra) being nailed to a stick by the Romans (who, although they kept records so good we're still studying them, do not at all have a record of his death) just so he could come back to smite everyone he couldn't get to the first time around.

    /Treat others and you would have others treat you.

    //FYI: No, I'm not insulting Christianity. I'm merely taking a similar tone with your beliefs as you did with Hindu beliefs.

  16. I was once an atheist who thought that there was only a material existence....Entheogenic substances changed that.....I became aware of a spiritual reality. I saw that conciseness itself covered multiple planes of existence and that that all life itself was one and the same energy. I know that no Church or science has the answer. I know there is more to existence then we can come close to sensing.....I just happened to see this by expanding my mind and experiencing ego death thru psychedelics

  17. I have seen neither reason nor evidence to warrant a belief in life after death.  I can understand why people would want to live forever, but since no one has ever died and come back to life I don't see where all of these convoluted life after death ideas came from.  It all seems like wishful thinking to me, but I would never discourage someone from believing in that which comforts them.

  18. I think our only idea are limited to the human consciousness. Personally, the idea of multiple levels of existence sounds believable. So far, many things I have seen are based on several levels, moving up from one to the the other. Maybe some factors influence whether we move up or down or whatever happens. No one knows and I think it's just whatever our human creativity/ideas comes up with.

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