
Do you believe that all teachers can lead?Explain.?

by Guest58201  |  earlier

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And how would this look in your school?




  1. No. Leadership requires a unique combination of charisma and vision.

    Most teachers are very adequate facilitators and with prescribed lesson plans so widely available - and often mandatory -  the degree of classroom preparedness is evident to any observer. Students are reluctant to follow a teacher who is to any degree uninvolved.

    Most teachers are very intelligent but intelligence does not make a good leader. It is highly desirable but leaders emerge that hindsight shows were not remarkably intelligent.

    So, IMHO, leadership would show as demonstrating the finer points of human advancement: e.g., compassion, helpfulness, friendliness. These characteristics allow a student to bloom under most circumstances.

  2. No, all teachers are not leaders.  Many are, because they have to be strong to handle a class of 20+ students and provide sound instruction.  However, others are collaborators.  They work well with their instructional team but do not wish to take the leadership role.  In fact, this is true in all professions.  There are actual college courses on group development and the many roles people play in groups.  

    On another note, some teachers can lead, but at certain stages of their lives or in certain situations, prefer not to.  They are wise, I think to do that.

    In my school, there were 8 teachers on my instructional team.  One young teacher had good leadership skills and a lot of energy to lead.  She took the leadership role with some of her younger colleagues giving lots of help.  I was close to retirement and liked their ideas, but instead of trying to lead them a different way, I collaborated.  We did some amazing things as a team.  We did a simulation of a community which included all the classes.  We put a lot of work into it.  We set up the community for an hour every day for a week.  Half the students were workers for 30 minutes and half were consumers.  We used real money (10 dimes in a ziploc bag) and had a wonderful time.  A local radio station sent over a "man on the street" to interview the students.  What a great "real life" project!  And it happened because we had a strong leader and a good supporting cast.

  3. Of course, all teachers can lead, but not all teachers may lead one on the right path.  The best teachers are the ones that love their jobs and show great enthusiasm to the subjects they teach.

  4. Every teacher want that his student shud learn so its not same all the times.

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