
Do you believe that all the major discoveries have been found? What is missing?

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Do you believe that all the major discoveries have been found? What is missing?




  1. extraterestrial life hasn't been proved yet.  That will be a big one.  Speed of light travel, sub speed of light travel, Faster then speed of light travel.

    Human colonizations on future planets will have a bunch of  new discoveries.

    Electronic/computer discoveries are happending all the time.

    So no i don't think all major discoveries have been found yet.

  2. they asked the same question a hundred years ago. as long as there are people there will be new discoveries.

  3. Dear Pearl. If you just take a moment and look at your question again, you will then see  the stupidity of it. It is not a matter of belief, as all major discoveries "have" been found, and nothing is missing until it is known to be lost. however, I'm going to star your question, because I know exactly what you mean.

  4. If you mean anthropology, then we "don't know what we don't know."  I suspect we will find hominids were much further advanced, much earlier than we even suspect. Each new discovery further validates Darwin's basic concept of evolution.   I see coast lines currently under some 100 meters of water as the next bonanza of discovery.

    Some great untapped areas of scientific research are in gravity, solar cells & storage batteries.  My own field "Artificial Intelligence" is long over due for a significant breakthrough that will lead to the understanding of true cognitive thought.  

    Gravity: for each force an opposite force exists... unfortunately we've not significantly defined gravity... we've only linked it to mass.  Anti gravity must exist, but we can't create it.

    Storage batteries:  Current storage batteries depend on chemical reactions, making them too massive & bulky for effective use.  Capicitors are currently being investigated & some strides are being reported there. They simply store the electrical charge.

    Solar cells:  The silicon solar cell is very ineffecient, too expensive to manufacture & only uses 20% of the spectrum to make electricity. New technologies use nearly 100% of the spectrum from far ultra violet to Infra red. The problem of inexpensively producing these cells has yet to be solved.

    The problem facing us (the World outside oil producing countries) is to develop an inexpensive, non polluting source of energy.

    The field of genetics is making rapid strides & I suspect we will soon be able to "reverse engineer" the evolution of species to the point that dinosars can be produced from the birds that have evolved from them.


    While we cannot exceed the speed of light, we know that gravity distorts space to a great degree around black holes.  The current line of thinking is that we can use gravitational fields to distort space around a space ship... thus effectively "folding space" to move things much closer to a space ship.

  5. You must be joking.  We know so very little!  the last two centuries have been amazing in terms of the growth of our knowledge, but we are still in the infancy of our knowledge as a species.  Only a hundred years ago we had no idea that there was anything outside of our galaxy, then Hubble proved otherwise.  Now we know how unfathomably large the universe is, and how small and insignificant we really are.

    Things we know we don't know yet:

    The origin of life.

    How to travel vast distances in space in short periods of time.

    Why and how the big bang ocurred.  And what preceded it.

    A unified theory of physics.

    How to generate power by joining atams instead of splitting them without unleashing huge amounts of heat (cold fusion).

    How to create life.

    How to cure cancer, hiv, and other viruses.

    Life outside our planet.

    An understanding of all the species on the earth.

    How to grow organs.

    How to stop againg, or prolong life considerably.

    How to alleviate poverty.

    How North America was actually populated.

    These, just to name a few.

  6. different (groups of) people have been saying that everything has been discovered for 200 years or so. Every discovery leads to new questions.  i don't think we are going to run out.

  7. If we knew what was missing, someone would have already discovered it.

    As for believing that all the major discoveries have been even close.  The rate at which new discoveries are being made is increasing exponentially, and there is no reason to believe the rate will slow in the future.

  8. A program for combining all knowledge so to not kill ecosystem and resp. this/ours  civilisation but who could do this?

  9. a major discovery that was found thousands of years ago has been rediscovered again and that is the method to accomplish human immortality the  potential has always existed , however it has been whitewashed by the religionist of the world and mass confusion denies it from taking over . the average mind is not free to think clearly and truly understand human  potential.I am a free thinker who isn,t afraid to think about anything,, I am not brainwashed or an educated idiot I have been called a genius and I have been called crazy but the heart of the matter is  to accomplish immortality on earth is to expel the impurities from the body of the human that build up within and cause aging and death, as we are impure from what we consume and what we believe. most are like little lost puppies willing to go along with anyone who will take them in so to speak.we are weak that is why we croak.try exercising to your maximum daily for thirty minutes, drinking only water and natural juices, eating a well balanced diet,no tobacco, no alcohol,no drugs,no junk food very low salt as there is salt naturally occuring in food and you will notice a vast difference in your bodystrength level  immediately. be prepared for a will be super man in a few days. and I go by the rule of thumb that only the strong survive athletes should try this, do every thing with all of your might meaning get your heart rate  to 240 beats per  minute and notice how much stronger you get I DON'T CARE HOW OLD YOU ARE I am sixty and I do it every day and I can out run people half my age. that is a major discovery, a major major discovery if you aren',t afraid to try it. I would recommend doing this as a group or even testing it on animals first. if you want to try it for a few days as a team I'll bet you could win the local football game hands down, but sadly there is no concrete proof you can become immortal you must go by faith in the habit you adopt. i recommend that this test shoould be tried by millions of people at a time so the mean and nasty won't get jealous and try and wipe you out.

  10. Biologists and Astronomers are discovering things every day.  I guess it depends on what field you are referring too, be more specific.

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