
Do you believe that angels really have wings?

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Or do you think that maybe that's how people depicted them..because they could "transport " themselves? (I'm not sure if transport is the right word. I mean because they could move in the air.)




  1. hmm.. wonder what 333 answers.. i don't know.. i think it really doesn't matter as they can travel without any help.. i think they just can. i have had several dream.. which felt soo real.. where i was flying.. and so happy to be free.. it really felt so real.. and this might sound a little crazy.. but sometimes, i forget i cant fly.. i'll be like just feeling something and expecting myself to rise.. then i dont and i am like oh yeah.. i 4got..i think my soul really does fly and all of ours do.. its just about whether you remember it..

    and here is another thing i believe.. that this is not the real world. (another understanding i got from that experience) the real world is actually the spiritual world.. the world we (our souls) usually go to when we are asleep... the world where god is and where all the spirit guides and angels live.. this place called earth that we are on is only a medium we are on to practise what we are supposed to .. to spiritually evolve.. and i believe its in the real wrld where we can fly.. and always feel god's presence and meet out dead loved ones.

  2. That's actually a very good question and one I've pondered myself on many many occassions. As you know, I have angels around me a lot, but I've only actually seen one, in his true form, once, and what I saw was a large bright white collumn of light. No wings. BUT... I have felt their wings around me (angel wings are itchy) and have even heard them "flapping" (if you will)... if you've ever heard the sound a bird's wings make when they flap? That's what the angel wings sound like, except this particular "bird" has 10 foot tall wings. lol

    So I don't know the truth really. I do know that they have the ability to appear in any form they choose, like shapeshifters, except they do it for the person they're appearing to. They'll appear to you in whatever form you're most comfortable with.

  3. The wings are just a metaphor. They mean literally "bird-like" since birds are the typically obvious animal that has them and can fly (insects being less obvious).

    That is why the Greek/Roman god Hermes/Mercury had wings on his feet: he was the messenger of the gods.

    Angels are God's messengers. Ergo, they have to be fast and get from Heaven to earth and back - so the obvious form of transportation <flying> needs wings to do it.

    It doesn't mean they had them, they could just as well pick up a little box and say, "Beam me up."

  4. Angels arent actually humans...and dont actually have wings...Thats just a form of art, cause they come from the heavens, and are shown to have wings..created by humans.....

    But they are super intelligent beings of supreme white light, and also shape shift, as they can appear as humans, and also leave behind white feathers, as a symbol they have been with you.....

    people can connect with angels more easy than not, they are always around, we just need to stop and learn to connect with them,....But in their true form, they are beings of light....I was lucky to see one fly through my home,(also witnessed by another person) and that was the first of many encounters ive had with them...truelly amazing.....

  5. That is like asking, "Do you believe leprechauns really wear green top hats?" or "Do you think Yogi Bear will ever successfully steal a picnic basket?"

    Edit: There's NO proof that angels exist. There's no proof that they don't. Proof isn't a matter of degree, either it is or it is not. For that matter, there's no proof that invisible pink unicorns (IPUs) don't exist. There's no proof that they do. So do you believe in IPUs too?  Do you believe in every absurd thing for which there is no proof either way?

  6. no i dont believe in angels sry

  7. I don't believe angels have wings or physical attributes. I think they are beings of light. But I don't really know.

    Our perception of reality is limited by our lack of knowledge. It may make perfect sense not to ponder what is yet unknown to us, but I am very glad that some people realize that we are only aware of a small part of what exists. I would rather have wondered and be wrong than not to have thought about things at all.

  8. I am an angle and i have wings!!

  9. No, it is Archangels who have wings, but I'm a Pagan so I don't believe in those things.

  10. well yes they all do.

  11. Sure, some do. Angels come in all forms, shapes and sizes.

  12. Some Bible believers do not believe angels exist, Although the Bible clearly states that they do. In this article I am going to talk about the angels of the Bible and their role in the plan of God; according to the Word of God. Which is the Holy Bible.

    In the beginning God created angels as well as humans and beasts, etc. According to the Bible, angels are spiritual beings that have emotions, intelligence and will. In Matthew 8:29, II Corinthians 11:3 and 1 Peter 1:12, angels have intelligence. In Luke 8:28-31 II Timothy 2:26 and Jude 6, they show to have will. Although they possess these qualities, they aren't human nor have any physical body.

    Angels have higher intelligence then humans. There are a few different reasons for that and in no specific order I will explain. When angels were created, they were created in a higher order. Angels study the Bible and the world more often then we do, therefore they gain more Biblical knowledge. They gain knowledge by studying humans. They have experienced the past, therefore they know what to expect when something goes down.

    Some roles of Biblical angels may include worship and praise. They bring answer to prayer and help with soul winning. They are very observant to Christians and their lives. They encourage and care for the righteous at the time of death.

    There is an angel of light. Also known as, Satan or Lucifer. God created this angel, whom is the most beautiful of angels. Satan thought he should be exalted above God and was cast down into the Earth. He along with other angels that followed him. Lucifer was head of music in heaven.

    There is a great archangel named Michael. Michael is a leader of angels and the angel of war. He is the one who will cast Satan into h**l. He is the one who fights in battle. Although the Bible clearly names Michael as the main archangel. He is not the only one.

    Angels are definitely not to be worshiped, however there is an angel of God or the Angel of the Lord. This is an angel that is a theophony of the Lord. It is said that the angel had the face of Jesus before he was even here. You can call them a pre-incarnate of Jesus. He is clearly a messenger from God. More specifically a manifestation of God.

    Gabriel is another archangel. He appeared to Mary while she was pregnant with Jesus. Gabriel is a messenger. Perhaps he is the leader of the messaging angels that come to earth to relay messengers.

    There are also cherubims and seraphim's. These angels seem to be watchers or they stand guard over things such as the Ark of the Covenant. They are the only angels that the Bible actually says has wings.

    Whether you believe in angels or not, the Bible speaks clearly of them. I happen to find them fascinating and would love to see one myself.

    Only then can i say..Lets hope we will see them one day.. :)

  13. I like to think they might exist, but as far as them having wings or not, I don't think they do, although that's a very romantic way of depicting them.

  14. Not really...however, I think that all sentient beings will present themselves in any way that we will recognize them...if it takes wings, then so be it.

  15. I think if angels exist that you are probably right about their just being drawn that way. I don't consider heaven to be a place slightly above the Earth where angels would only need wings to fly down to visit human beings.

    However, many traditions talk about heaven being above and in the sky so people would imagine that wings would get you there. Recall the Greek story where he flew too close to the Sun and the wings melted and people were warned not to try to soar to heaven (or Mount Olympus) where the Gods were.

    It is possible that angels would appear that way to people in order to give them an image they could comprehend and draw rather that coming down with their jet packs on their backs on just coming out of thin air and having witch and demon yelled at them.

    I do wonder how people with more religious knowledge (priests, rabbis. etc,) would answer this question.


  16. Angels really have wings like unicorns really have a horn.

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