
Do you believe that anything that gets your candidate elected is ethical, fair, and reasonable?

by  |  earlier

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Do you believe that it is alright to resort to unethical, unfair. or unreasonable methods to get the candidate that you support elected?




  1. No. I'm not a Republican.

  2. No, I believe things that are ethical, fair, and reasonable are ethical, fair, and reasonable.

  3. You mean like hiding the fact that your VP pick's daughter is pregnant, only so you could reveal it later and drive home the point that you're pro-life?  Absolutely not.

  4. No, I do not!  more ethics and less B.S. is something I value in myself and those WE THE PEOPLE  elect into office. can we not put aside the petty self interest vote and elect the best qualifyed individual for the best interest of all? it just seems so shameful and tawdry and selfish.

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