
Do you believe that autism is seen more now adays because something is causing it that kids are exposed to....

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or is it simply diagnosed more or is something going on genetically and moving very fast?




  1. im 48.when i was growing up-and i grew up in a crowded,large school district-i knew ONE autistic the past 5 years, 3 of my friends,all in their early 30's,gave birth to children l8r diagnosed as toddlers,with autism.i dont think its greater diagnosing per se,altho that may factor into the equation somewhat.i think more is going on.i dont remember any  behaviours in children i knew that may in retrospect have been undiagnosed autism.but now,working in a museum,we see plenty of children who are fixated on one particular area to the exclusion of all else,and highly knowledgable in that area-yet they have flat affect,dont seem to kno how to act with other children or adults,avoid eye contact,etc.we see these kids in school groups every day.autistic-dont know for sure,but the behaviours seem mom knows of a lady with 3 children,all diagnosed with autism!!!something is going on in our environment.i dont believe its vaccinations,tho.children in the 1960's,including me,were vaccinated to the gills-ALL  kindegartners in my school received smallpox vaccinations,for instance.i dont remember any controversy or reports of vaccine related illness,nor do my parents.also,weirdly,kids today can get peanut allergy so severe they die !!!when i was a kid,peanut butter was served in school every thursday,only 2 kids i kno couldnt eat it!!!!

  2. I think it is more prevalent now, probably due to some chemical in our environment.

  3. The number of cases has increased so drastically that it cannot be explained by better detection and diagnosis.  

    Most experts are of the opinion that it involves a genetic predisposition and is triggered by a combination of factors leading to a breakdown of the immune system: environmental toxins, food sensitivities, far too many vaccines...

  4. diagnosed more easily

  5. The supposed link between Thimerisol that used to be used in some vaccines and autism has been thoroughly debunked in several large retrospective studies.  It hasn't been used in years and the case rate is still increasing.  

    I think part of it is increased awareness (?hyper vigilance) and more widely available screening tools that have broader inclusion criteria.  Kids who a decade or two ago may just have been "slow' or "odd" are now labeled with Autism Spectrum Disorder

  6. vaccines are what causing it. hormones in the food are causing it. and women trying to have kids in their late 30's and early 40's causing it. there is mercury in the vaccines.  and the fluoride in the water supply drinking diet soda also.

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