
Do you believe that bull-fighting is entertainment or just killing?

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  1. it is a highly skilled spot!!!

  2. It is killing, but I love it when it takes revenge.

    One time we were on the stands I was about five years old in Mexico, when the bull jumped on to the stands, he did not  kill anyone but there was a drunk man that challenged it and ended up with a broken arm.

    I have not gone since then to another bull fight it just plain stupid.Poor animal suffers to much when they cut the tail and ears and not to mention when they stab him with the banderillas.

  3. I can't understand why bullfighting is allowed to exist.

      In my mind bullfighting isn't entertainment. The outcome is always the same, so where is the entertainment?

       I find bullfighting to be cruel, and savage. There is no good reason to kill the bull, other than to satisfy a vicious bloodlust.

       I find it appalling that such an activity is allowed in modern times.

        The only good thing about bullfighting is that occasionally the bull manages to hurt somebody.

  4. The only thing entertaining about bullfighting is watching the bullfighter get mauled by the Bull. Otherwise its a disgusting sport.

  5. it is definitely murder. i wonder why in this day and age this barbaric sport still exists.

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