
Do you believe that certain colors have certain meanings?

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why or why not?

and which colors?




  1. Some colours make you happy, i guess (like pastel colours). Others are depressing, like black. Imagine living in an entirely black house...*shudders*. Reminds me of funerals...

  2. Red = Confidence, flashing trophies of war and ribbons of euphoria

    Orange = Young, full of daring, very unsteady for the first go round

    Yellow = Not so mellow, frightened like me

  3. No. Colors are colors.

  4. Red Means Stop

    Green Means Go

    Yellow means go faster

  5. Sorry, but "Mom"'s answer above me is incorrect, it's

    red = stop

    green = go

    yellow = go faster lol

    Seriously though, colors have meaning, of course.  Since I'm Christian, I'll answer biblically.  There's a verse in Proverbs 31 where it says that a woman of noble character is not afraid for the winter because her family is dressed in purple.  Purple is a color of royalty, mainly because it's expensive and hard to make.  Also because it's easy to see in the snow.

    There are differences in color according to ethnicity.  Japanese brides wear red, whereas here in America we wear white.  They mean the same thing to both cultures ... purity.

  6. Yes different colors in the visible electromagnetic spectrum have different meanings.

    Each color represents a different frequency of EM radiation. above visible, we have ultra violet, X-ray, Gamma ray, and then cosmic rays. Below them, we have infrared, micro, radio, etc.

    We use them all accordingly for the benefit of human kind. From warming up food, to checking for broken bones. But no magical healing powers.  

  7. Red-stop



  8. I can see where you're going with this. My opinion is that colors have "feelings". I paint - both pictures and houses - and I can say without any doubt that colors have a definite effect on people.

    Otherwise, I guess you could go with things like "green with envy" and such.

  9. I believe that certain questions are asinine and don't need to be posted on a religious site.

  10. Blue = depression

  11. In some cultures and religions, they do.  To me, they don't.  Except I know I don't look good in yellow.

  12. Yes, I do believe that certain colors  have different meanings and feelings. There are calming colors such as light blue and then colors that represent bad feelings as in the color black. Red and purple designate royalty. And if you ask a person with synesthesia they will come up with all  other kind of meanings. The aforementioned symptom is a rare symptom to have but it is now being diagnosed more often. Today is Saturday, Aug. 30 and if you have directv, there is a special on it at noon on channel 284. I am not sure about the healing properties and I have studies holistic medicine, but there are a great many people who think that they do. You, also, must consider the scientific sources of how color affects you. Peace out and I may have been of some help and I hope that I was. Have a safe and happy Labor Day weekend!

  13. I teach on this stuff.From a (biblical perspective).

    colors have a( biblical meaning). white is the bride of Christ

    Red is the blood of jesus, Green is God's mercy, Blue is the river of God,

    Yellow is the joy of the Lord, Purple denotes His royalty

    Orange and gold is the glory of the Lord

    black symbolizes sin

    Colors can be used in combinations as well.

    From a practical perspective, In terms of fashion,and interior design,

    I dont think they have healing properties but can definatly enhance your complection. If you are an olive or orange complection kind of yellowy (with warm undertones) you would look good in fall colors. Browns, bronzes, oranges, tomato (warm) reds, yellows and golds turquises teals. These are my colors that look best on me.

    Yellow or warm colors can brighten up a room while cooler colors can make it more soothing and relaxing. like  calming effect.

  14. I know I feel better with different colors around me.  I have a feeling of content around a pale yellow.  When I want to celebrate its red, blue and green.  Purple when i am a little sad. But as far as "meaning"  nothing past what it is, just a color.

  15. Yes.

    The wavelenght of colors registers in the brains synapses system and it released different chemical reactions.  Culturally they engender different reactions.

  16. Seriously?

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