
Do you believe that children should say the Pledge of Allegiance in school?

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I have to lead kindergarteners in the pledge every day, and it doesn't make sense to me that they are "pledging" to anything, including a country - at least until they are adults.




  1. Yes children should be able to say the pledge of allegiance is school.  It helps the child develop some pride and some love for their country.  We were born in this country free and love.  why not show the country some respect.

  2. i dont no

  3. if you like our country then yes, if not then no.

  4. yes it develops some type of patriotism whitch is very needed in today's society. children need to know the importance of our country and what people did to make this the country it is today.

  5. As a Brit I always feel uncomfortable with overt nationalism. it feels like someone trying to convince themselves that something is true when it is not.

    That does not mean that the values your country or mine wishes to stand for should not be taught

  6. As a teacher it is not your job to impose your personal beliefs in your students. If your school or district has decided that students will participate in the Pledge of Allegience (which I agree with) then you are to encourage it in an enthusiastic way.

  7. no

  8. no

    i dont think they should at all

    it makes no sense

  9. Yes we all live here the good old USA. I'm proud to be an American, Born and Raised here, God Bless.

  10. YES


  11. No they should not have to say it at all.  The true conflict comes into play when it come the the part, "under God".  Now to have children saying this in public schools is just down right wrong.  Especially when it is our government who says we should keep the church out of public schools.  When there is more of a mixture of cultures in our schools then ever they should not be asking these children to say this pledge.  But thats just my opinion.

  12. i hate to say it! i just kinda murmur along. being one of the only jews at my school kinda makes me self counchius

  13. If you want to honor the Americans than yea.

  14. You should teach them about flag burning and why the US was responsible for 9/11 instead.

  15. Kindergarteners too young.  I like having the pledge of allegiance in schools, but not if the kids have no idea what they are saying.  If you step back for a moment and look at kindergarteners saying the pledge of allegiance, it is almost like those little school kids in communist China doing the patriotic liberation army dance.

    By the way, I don't believe any part of the pledge should be changed. But it should wait until the children are old enough. I don't want to hear little kids say, "I plegea leegence do da flaag ob the united stays ov amemica...".  Very cute, but not what patriotism is about.

  16. No, they shouldn't it's bleeding stupid!  Kindergarten children first off, can't pledge to anything, because they are too young to make any significant difference in a country like ours.  Secondly, no child should ever be forced to even "strongly recommended" to pledge allegiance to anything, including a country of representative flag, against their will.  If a child or even adult wishes not to pledge, it is their personal choice, I frankly think that saying the pledge is a meaningless waste of time, especially for children as young as Kindergarten.  Half of them don't even know what most of the words mean, and the others that do are merely reciting a string of memorized sentences to absolutely no avail whatsoever.  Reciting the pledge of  allegiance every day, makes you no more American or patriotic, than memorizing telephone numbers makes you a telephone book.

  17. I just don't understand those of you who are so concerned that our youth be taught a certain degree of respect and patriotism for our country.  Yes, kindergarten is probably too young to really instill any type of belief system in them, but I don't see what harm it can do.  If they are American kids, they should pledge allegiance to the flag.

  18. Yep.

  19. Yes I do. It would be they least that they could learn since it is the country that is providing their education.

  20. yes

  21. I don't think anyone should be forced to say anything that includes a pledge to g-d.  That should be up to choice and enforced by parents not forced by schools.

  22. Teachers who teach the Pledge of Allegiance are simply teaching one little part of our history.  The child is not taking the Pledge of Allegiance: s/he isn't of legal age to take or make any pledge; they recite, and hopely discuss it, it to learn about it.

    With the exception of math and the exacting sciences, a good teacher teachs students "how" to think, not "what" to think.

  23. definitely.

  24. You guys are a bunch of un-American idiots. Kids should learn that this is the best country in the world. Its not "brain washing", its just pure American patriotism.

  25. I think that they should pledge, just not in kindergarten

    In that age, I had to do it too, and had no idea what I was saying! Once kids are old enough to understand it, though, then its ok.

    happy holiday!

  26. I believe children should p**p in school.

  27. I don't know where else kids are going to learn about Patriotism if not taught in our schools.  I grew up reading a passage from the Bible in school everyday, Pledging Allegiance, and singing "The Star Spangled Banner", and this was in a public school. I turned out fine.

    It's time for America to quit the 'political correctness" c**p and move on .

  28. Absolutely and it wouldn't for us, as adults to say it other.

  29. I think it is important to teach children patriotism. However, a child should not be forced to pledge along. As far as "under God" I have no problem with that. However, forcing children to follow a certain religious beliefs in school is dead wrong.

    We are not christian but my 10 year old's teacher asked her if she believes in god. She answered yes and the teacher told her that means she is a christian. I am going to file a complaint if she really said that.

  30. Don't think so.

    Never practice that back in the past during our early days.

    But learned and mastered our creator's universal constituition and universal laws as basic foundation of living human kind that make us a "Bettermen"

    Luke 9.55-56

    What do you think?

    Merry X'mas !

  31. Hey. I am in 6th grade and i have to say the pledge every morning. I think it is good that we say it but we shouldnt have to say it every day. maybe two or three times a week. I think kindergardeners are do young.

       hope this helps.


       Happy holidays!

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