
Do you believe that deceased people can send you 'signs'?

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Like 'pennies from heaven',feathers,a certain song on a certain date,etc...




  1. Yep, I get feathers and that certain feeling.

    I'm sorry I don't normally bother replying to other daft answers, and if i'm mistaken and it was sarcasm, oops, but please, what TF has a couple of paragraphs in that book gotta do with death, you may as well check with Delia Smith for relevancy.

  2. yes

  3. Well the Bible say the dead are conscious of nothing and have no thoughts.

    (Ecclesiastes 9:4-6) . . .. 5 For the living are conscious that they will die; but as for the dead, they are conscious of nothing at all, neither do they anymore have wages, because the remembrance of them has been forgotten. 6 Also, their love and their hate and their jealousy have already perished, and they have no portion anymore to time indefinite in anything that has to be done under the sun.

  4. No way, my friend. If could be we already have known who really killed JFK, Dr. Martin Luther King and Bob Kennedy. You know, once upon dead forever dead, no turning back. Remember what Socrates said when he was taking hemlock - nobody has never come back from there!

  5. yes i do,

    because my grandmother used to keep alot of pennys in this jar and every now and then ill here something fall and ill look and there with be a penny on my kitchen floor

  6. Whether you like it or not, what's in the Bible IS the answer. I believe in ghosts, but I don't think they can give us signs...

    You see all these ghost movies where the ghosts help them solve their murders and what not, but that's just fiction...

  7. no

  8. Yes, I do. However, the problem from a scientific perspective is providing evidence for such events. Obviously such things can not be demonstrated on command as the skeptics and the less educated demand as proof (a concept not found in science). Thus, this can not be done during a controlled laboratory experiment or a publicity stunt stage show offering a prize for proof.

    One would have to study this from a social science perspective (psychology, anthropology) and these fields have studies this would some suggestive results since 1882.

    The difficulty with the evidence is even when one can eliminate coincidence that might be mistaken for a sign and conformation bias there still remains at least two possible explanations ESP and Spirit contact. For example when one sees a vision or dreams of a deceased relative even if they provide information unknown to the experiencer (where the the will is hidden) this evidence fits both explanations.

    I have listed a book below that in part attempted to study this as well as a link to a study that is attempting to overcome the ESP problem in spirit survival research.


  9. a co-worker and I used to play jokes on each other... we sold novelty clocks in our department, so once in awhile, after he had worked during the day and I was finishing up at night, a Mickey Mouse clock would start to sing...  The next day I would set a Little Mermaid clock to go off during his shift, and so on.

    a few years ago, he had a stroke and died shortly afterwards, yet several times a week for a couple months after the funeral, and always during MY shift, some clock would start singing "Have you ever howled at a blue corn moon?" or some such Disney drivel.


    (after a while, though, it stopped.)

  10. Of course.

    What do you think ghosts are!

  11. Yes.

    I had such a strange experience with that.

    When my grandfather died, in the next nights I saw a blue light near the door of my cubbyhole...

    a very odd experience...

  12. hmm i don't believe in ghost so im going to say no. i mean its nice to think that people who are dead send signs but it just can't happen. people who are dead are dead and even if they did existed how can we see them if they are just ghost who can't even touch anything so how can they possibly send signs?

  13. my 18 yr old son commited suicide in august halloween i smelled him in my room but i have begged him since death and i see things but not quite sure if its real or me wanting it so bad

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