
Do you believe that doomsday is coming near?

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According to the mayan the world will end on 2012 and they say that a big asteroids will hit the earth. Nasa have also agreed on it and I also watch some stories about it.




  1. well, no. it is already been "scientifically" proven...secret monks in 14 parts of the earth and God whose son is jesus will stop it also...belive in me and others who say this!"

  2. Some will die and some will continue to live. If you mean will it be the end of the world as we know it is uncertain. Christian scripture declares that certain things have to come to pass first. A one world political system has to come into effect and fail. Two persons (witnesses) have to preach the word of God for 1260 days world wide. During which time the anti-Christ has to appear (someone with out lineage), the two witnesses will be killed by him, and three days later come to life before Christ returns. Then the world as we know it will end.

  3. I don't believe in the "2012" phony balony. However, if USA continues acting like some arrogant superpower who can thinks it can dictate hypocritically policies around the world, the Middle East continues as a turmoil without any solution, poverty increases around the world while USA corporations get richer by abusing the third world countries, and Russia and China keep rising, and Iran gets the bomb, "doomsday", or whatever is coming sooner or later. And it won't be "angels blowing trumpets on clouds and Jesus,or whatever, coming down with great glory" but mushrooms clouds over New York City, London, Teheran, Tel Aviv, Moscow and others looking like Hiroshima of 1945. Scary isn't it?

  4. I like to call it 'dupesday'.

  5. I have watched the Discovery channel on 'Doomsday...12/21/2012'

    and I really wonder if it is too. The Web Crawler has also brought

    up that very same day, as has the bible, the lady of the cave, and

    Delphi. Also, the Ti Ching. It has been said by many, and noted

    by even Albert Einstein, not to mention said to happen only every

    25,000 years, which would work out to that very day! The thing

    that is supposed to happen is not an astoroid, but the polarized

    points of the earth will shift, putting Alaska at the equator! The

    shifting of the poles would cause earthquakes, floods, fires, etc.

    at an alarming rate. You should watch that episode as they put

    it on quite often. Very interesting and very scary.

    Can it really be?

    Guess we shall see!

    Its only 4 years away! ...........Have a great day!


  6. Holy c**p!!! I didnt know that! I have to go tell everyone....I'll be right back.

  7. The doomsday comes when you die.It can be the next moment.

  8. It appears that you need to educate yourself on the subject a little more. The Native Americans are well aware of the Mayan Calender and there beliefs are very close parallels to one another.

  9. Doomsday!!

    The guy who killed Superman!!


  10. NASA has not agreed on it - quite the reverse!!

    Whilst they say there is a risk from being hit by an asteroid or comet there are none that are known so far that will come anywhere near close enough in the foreseeable future!!  They have gone to quite long pains to reassure people that this is an entirely false alarmist claim!

    The Mayan calender simply ends at 2012.

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