
Do you believe that doomsday will happen on Dec. 21, 2012?

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I think it's total c**p that people are spreading to sell books and movies. They are playing on people's fears of the world ending to make money. I don't believe anyone can predict when the world is gonna end and nostradamus and the mayans didn't predict anything! I don't believe people can see in the future. I believe that all these prophets and religion fanatics that predicted this were on some really good drugs! I personally think it's retarded! What do you think??




  1. If I believed that then I think someone must have spiked my drink.

  2. idk we'll see

  3. You're a bit of a non-believer. Well, if we look at the situation from a logical point of view it's been said once too many times by different people in different times and places. Chances are slimmer that Volvo produces the safest cars then this. In another perspective it's just human to hope for the best so I can understand anyone that would be scheptic about "The end of the world". No, I personally don't believe in the idea that the world might end but at the same time astrolonomicly speaking things are gonna happen. It's just like the whole global warming issue. It's right next to "How the dinosaurs went extinct". No one can be certain of what's gonna happen or not but it's a 50-50 chance that SOMETHING is in fact going to happen.

  4. sure that was supposed to happen in 2000, and it didnt

  5. I am taking bets it does not happen - any amount of money or anything else you can name - any takers?

  6. nope the only reason myans  belived that is thats when theyr calender ended

  7. The card represents the critical factor for the issue at hand. Two of Science (Reflection), when reversed: Hesitating before opportunity. Dilemma. Uncertain whether to stay put or go on. Waiting for something to happen. Denying your feelings. In the creative process: An uneasy decision about which way to proceed, perhaps between a rational versus intuitive approach. Weigh the potential rewards versus the possible dangers.

  8. I agree, it's pure c**p.

    Who gave this date btw?

  9. Its a Bunch of Bs. The Mayans tried to predict the end of THIER world, but, they were way off, as they aren't around anymore. Unless something terrible just happens to happen on that day by chance (Meteor, Supervolcano, Nuke War, etc.) We should all be fine.

    By the way, I think the mayans were on drugs too.

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