
Do you believe that everyone have his/her one great love?

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...even if they are married/committed/engaged to somebody else?




  1. Trouble will always come if you get married in haste.  If I get married, it  must to be to my one great love. Surely the intensity of feelings may  wane  with the  passage of time but if both will work hard to keep the flames burning forever,  no one would ever think of another great love while  married/committed  to someone else.

  2. Yes, very much so.

    My cousin told me once that a man and a woman only love once. And once they do, that feeling never go away. Maybe not as intense as before but that one special feeling they had shared with that one special person is always in their hearts. They may have found somebody new but they never forget their one special love. The love they share for that new one is never like the one they shared with that special someone.

  3. no i don't. i think if you're married you're no longer supposed to be thinking of that..let's say you're not happy with your marriage, it would be really unfair if you say my wife or my hubby is not the one meant for me.. i hate situations like that.

    it's trying to ruin a family life and a marriage which should still be worked out..

  4. I believe that "everyone"  is a singular subject, and thus, should take a singular verb form...HAS.

    And, no.  If one is committed, one should accept THAT person as their great love, and not be looking or dreaming outside of that relationship.

    And no.  There isn't just ONE shot at real love, either.  If you missed it with one person, another will come along, but, of course, if you are in an unpleasant relationship, breaking it up for the purpose of getting with someone else...not such a good idea.  Well, most of the time.  

    I always allowed a relationship to run its course before I started another, then finally found my husband...great love?  Hmm.  depends how you really mean it...We have a good thing.  Ups and downs, and lots of work.  There is NOTHING like what you see in romances, and on television and in movies.  That LOOKS great on screens, and sells books, but that earth moves, stuff, that doesn't really last, and it's the long haul that matters, anyway.

    Hey, and if you're not a native, then take away the sarcasm at the top, and take away a free language lesson  (my bad!  Lots of Americans simply can't get their, as, I assume, an English learner...doing great!)

  5. not everyone.... but some people.

  6. I am married but I don't consider my husband as my great love.  I had one - from the past, in the past.  Well, it's all history now, no good raking up what has been, had been.  

    Yes, I do believe that even if one is in a relationship or commitment, one can still possibly love another person although the degree of feelings or love may vary or may not be of the same level of intensity.  But yes, very possible.

  7. I have been married to my Filipina wife for 13yrs and i love her dearly.But i will never forget my first love,an English girl called Charlotte. I met her 29yrs ago when we were both 16yrs old.Her hair was as black as Ebony,deep brown eyes that you could almost drown in,very pale white skin and Ruby red lips. It broke my heart when we split and i often think about her, even now. But i wouldn't swop my beautiful wife for anybody on Gods Earth.I have learned to live with my regrets,but i am now,truly blessed.

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