
Do you believe that guy really found Big Foot??

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If you seen the news you heard about the guy who found big foot. I think its real, because the guy says he will allow the news to interview him but he will not let them see the body only pics...I think its because he doesn't want the government to take it and make it look like a hoax. Just like the guy that had the video of the Alien looking into the window..he said he was told he was not allowed to show the whole video on the news, he said cause it was still being researched. I would have just sent a bunch of copies to all the news stations. And the lockness monster is real, I WAS THERE and he asked me or two fitty!!! :D hahaha south park lovers




  1. IDK but if i was driving and bigfoot ran out in front of my car you can bet id run his @$$ over and sell him! =D

  2. no

  3. Not really cause he seems very wierd about this and send human and possum DNA to scientists 0_o

  4. Sure

  5. sure why not, lol :-)

    Hey! Life needs some spice in it!

  6. It's a hoax, They even admitted to it being a hoax on YouTube

  7. These guys are known hoaxers ... it's not their first foray into claiming they've captured bigfoot.  I'm not holding my breath!

  8. well is just someone wanting attention

  9. no

    If you noticed at the press conference, the men who claim to have "discover" Bigfoot are constantly fidgeting. A sure sign of saying "we're just making this up for publicity"

    If you look at the pictures closely, everything is blurred. What kind of camera are they using?!? You could buy a $90 camera and it would still turn out better than the ones they took.

    They said to the reporters to pay them money and they will show them the "bigfoot", lying dead in a styrophone box. If they actually did find "bigfoot", they would not hesitate to show everyone the REAL creature for free.

    They just want the money and publicity.

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