
Do you believe that humans can harvest forest resources in an enviromentally friendly way? or, should national

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Do you believe that humans can harvest forest resources in an enviromentally friendly way? or, should national




  1. Without question.  In fact, it's already been done for millenia by various native peoples across the planet.  It just takes a little forethought and a lot more respect for nature's balance.

  2. Forest Resources are there to preserve the Mother Nature. Whenever forest resources are harveste, say, timber, it is always at the mercy of Mother Nature. Everytime a tree is cut, the Mother nature bleeds. You have to count several years before a tree comes back to its form with that of the original.

    Look what happen to our environment - Greenhouse effect!!!

    Thanks for aksing. Have a great day!

  3. Most American tree harvesters plant more trees than they cut.

    "The United States Forest Service estimates an average of 1.74 billion

    trees are planted in America every year

    "One-third of the United States, 749 million acres is covered with


    Net Annual Growth

    "On the nation's commercial forests, net annual growth exceeds harvests

    and losses to insects and disease by an impressive 50 percent each year."

  4. Yes, they can, if they only will.

    When I was stationed in Germany, I saw them go into a forest to harvest trees. When they removed the tree(s) they wanted, there was no trace that any such thing had been done...except for the stump. Mostly in the U.S. they clear-cut, allowing erosion, destroying wildlife habitat, etc.

    This can be done with coal, uranium, whatever people want to "harvest" from the earth/forest/seas/swamps/prairies/ice lands.

    It is just a matter of doing what is proper.

  5. Not in any way that can be profitable.

    For every tree we cut down, we could replace it by planting a new one.  But we have to cut it at a rate commensurate with how fast they grow, and that takes too long.

    No one could make money off of it.

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