
Do you believe that humans were meant to be in monogamous relationships?

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Do you believe that humans were meant to be in monogamous relationships?




  1. yes

  2. no...reproduction only...but we are in a modern society where monogamy is more favorable.  And besides...we have Aids monogamy is definitely more favorable.

  3. Sometimes I think not. It's just society that has made that the norm and the only acceptable type. Think about it. We have natural, ahem, urges to mate with many people. not just one for ever.

  4. yes! and in this day and age its lethal not to be with all the diseases floating around!  

  5. In my opinion, no.

    Primates are not generally monogamous.

    People change all the time. The person you are with today may be a completely different person next week or next year. Someone you love now may become completely unlovable within a relatively short time. I believe that s*x and love are completely different things and do not necessarily, or even naturally, have to be associated.

  6. no, it's counter to our natural drives

  7. Biologically I would say no, I believe in Darwin's evolution theory, that we are ancestors of Apes. Primates don't mate for life, only the strongest and most virile apes mate. (which I sometimes think reflects in the mating patterns of humans).

    It's very rare in the animal world that a species of animal mate for life with the same partner. I think the idea of monogamy in humans stems from our intelligence and belief in love.

  8. I belive I belong to one person..but my husband talk to him aand come back....!!!

  9. Monogamy might have come with civilisation. As long as man was moving around naked the concept of family might not have been there but when man realised that there are some parts of the body which need to be maintained private, the concept of monogamy might have cropped in

  10. No, but in modern life it is easier that way.

  11. Yes ^-^

    Or we wud loose all feelings, we wud no longer feel love or compassion.

  12. no I don't believe so... but don't tell my husband  ;)

  13. I believe humans cant be defined as once species. Some humans are made to spread the love..Some are meant to find their other half and be with that person and only that person..  

  14. well if youre speaking of married couples i hope so!! im not sharing anyone.

  15. yes, if they are with the right partner...

  16. Who said we didn't have aids back then?  We just didn't know about it.  In my opinion, monogamy has come with civilisation and the concept of one's family unit.  Then again, take the example of the Spartans.  If a female desired another male than her husband, and thought he would make a good father to her children, she gained her husbands permission to reproduce with said male.

    In England and certainly the USA, the Christian theme is to have one partner and settle for life to raise little ones to be in the grace of God.  Tradition sticks.  

    It's all a matter of culture.

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