
Do you believe that intelligent life exists on other planets?

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If that is so, then why do we not have any proof yet?

What about the Holy Bible- does it refer to life elsewhere, other than on our planet earth?

And who are the 'Men in Black?' I mean the real men in black...who some say aren't men at all, but are something else utterly.

If the government has knowledge of alien life forms, why would they obfuscate it from the public eye?




  1. I think if their were intelligent lifeforms in another universe or planet God would tell us in the Bible. I've never read or heard anyone else say that there is a part in the Bible that talks about aliens or anything else like that. You can search for things in the bible at

  2. I believe that intelligent life exists on other planets, because I have seen numerous amounts of evidence to suggest that it does. Also, concerning the Bible on this matter, it DOES say that God left things for us to discover for ourselves and I think that extraterrestrial life is one of those things.

  3. I am not sure that Intelligent life exists on Yahoo ?

  4. Ok first off, "Men in Black" was fiction. Second off, the Holy Bible doesn't say that there are but we may not be interpretting it right. And third, who knows if the government knows about aliens if there really are any. They most likely would have hid it from the public eye. They don't want people to freak out and do something rash when there really isn't anything to be worrying about. And the reason we don't have proof is because the universe is so vast we can't search every nook and cranny. Something new is always going to pop up and shout "Look at me! I'm new!". We get distracted. I really don't think that we are dedicating our whole research on the topic of exrtaterrestrials, nor do I think we should waste our time on that topic.

  5. you have said it!

  6. Yes, somewhere in our very large, and mysterious universe, there is other intelligent "beings" asking the same questions.

  7. i certainly believe there could be intelligent life elswhere we can't be so egotistcal to think we are it as for the bible it is a work of fiction wrote by mortal man men in black are a mystery to me to and our goverment hides lots of things from us this is just another way to control us

  8. the probability is low. if there is life it's not like what we have here. the gravitational pull is different as well as the air, climate and so on. i watch star trek and have the star wars DVDs but leave that whole concept in the entertainment realm...

  9. Yes, I think it does. One day we will have the ability to go out there and search for it, but not anytime soon....

  10. That is 5 questions -- not one.

    1. The chances are that there is intelligent life on other planets. There are millions of galaxies and billions of stars so there are likely to be millions of planets that are suitable for life.

    2. Other solar systems are too far away for interstellar travel. How would other civilizations let us know they were there -- assuming they were interested.

    3. The Bible was written over 2000 years ago by people who had no understanding of astronomy. They thought the earth was flat and a few hundred miles across. Of course they had no concept of life on other planets -- they had no concept of planets.

    4. "Men in Black" is a movie and a fantasy.

    5. There are many governments on earth, and they would have no interest in keeping alien contacts secret. In any event, what government could keep a secret that big?

  11. Yes, I believe that intelligent live lives on other planets. The Universe is a pretty big place.

    I think we dont' know because communication and travel intergalactically is very, very difficult as it takes an infinite amount of energy to get something to even approach the speed of light.  They may have scientists scratching their heads trying to figure out how to travel to the next star too. According to the Big Bang, all things started at the same instant, and evolution is random, but does require a LONG time to get things done.

    I dissagree that those in the Bible didn't know anything about the stars.  They did.  Everyone thinking the world was flat is mainly a myth as well.  The ancients documented the movements of Mars and Venus.  Maybe the Bible writers didn't record it because they had no contact with aliens.  I have written a lot of things and never recorded an alien abduction because its never happened to me.

    Men in Black?  Fun movie.

    The government doesn't have the capibility to hide a secret that big.  This may be shocking to some, but the government is made up of (gasp) regular people, with faults and everything.  They haven't revealed anything because there is nothing to reveal.

  12. Yeah, I like Toms' answer :P There could be intelligent life, but do you know how big the universe is? No wonder we can't find a planet that has this. We still can't send people to other planets, so if there is life elsewhere, they might not be able to either, even if they are intelligent. And why do we always see aliens as human-like creatures? For all we know, the intelligent life could look like insects, dogs or some kind of marine animal :P We may never know, and that's what's so interesting! :) I don't think the government even knows what they're doing, but they'd hide if because they don't to cause worldwide panic and conflicts. I don't think they've found anything, though.

  13. Ignoring the fact that men in black was fiction and the bible was written 5000yrs ago...

    ...I beleive intelegent life is most certainly on other worlds...

    ...But sometimes I wonder if intelegent life is on earth.

  14. Have we visited other planets ... no so how can we expect aliens to come.

    Yes holy books refer such stuff .. refer the link

    Nice book containing portions from holy books... :)

    Governments might want to avoid panic.

  15. i believe that it could be possible, if God made it

  16. I would be very surprised if there isn't an amazing amount of other life forms in the universe. In fact I've always been surprised that we even ask that question. Go out at night and just look at the stars and do the math. ( We "ain't" that special! and we "ain't alone!).

  17. yes ther is life on other planets

    it is intelligent

    we likely will never encounter it because the cosmose is just too mind numbingly infinite and any life intellegent enough to traverse the cosmose is also smart enough to leave the human race alone, as we have nothing to offer them, and we are not teachable, we are too paranoid, we'd wind up killing or trying to kill them it is just our nature.

  18. Even if there was, what are the odds that they would be intelligent? as in, able to build satellites....or send messages back to us...

    veeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeery slim.

    Maybe bacteria...maybe extinct life forms...

    How do you define intelligent?

  19. Of course there is "intelligent" life on other planets!

    The sheer size of our universe sugests that there are many other life-forms capable of rational thought...Many scientists believe that life on earth was "seeded" from extraterrestrial origin (the theory of "panspermia")

    So if there is other life, then why not intelligent life? Are we so full of ourselves, do we think we're that great? Many animals show signs of the beginnings of intelligence as though it is a side effect of organizational complexity. So it stands to reason that over time intelligence will develop eventually in any ecosystem that can support a variety of complex life...

    Why wouldn't we know? You tell me. Our universe is VAST...Like, mind numbingly HUGE...untill a few thousand years ago, almost every society on the planet believed that THEY were the only humans on earth! Of course they acknowledged the existance of other cultures and races once they started running into each other but we haven't even been able to travel to THE VERY NEAREST ALIEN STAR YET! That's like our ancestors being convinced that there's no other villiage in the world because THEY CAN'T SEE ANYBODY PAST THE "BIG TREE OVER THERE!"

    Men in black? Aren't those guys the secret service or the NSA or something?

    If the government DID have knowledge of E.T.s then it could very well be in their best interest to keep it to themselves...If everybody knew about it it could have profound effects on the behaviour and attention of the public...The government has a vested interest in maintaining a predictible population...Its very hard to control and exploit people if they are unified and disinterested in material gains...

    As for the bible...Well, many people think that the references to "angels" are describing alien encounters, there isnt any mention of other populated worlds that I can think of...Just keep in mind that the bible was written by men, and if it wasn't completely fabricated then how would the ancient peoples interpret an "alien abduction?" Enoch being "swept up to heaven?"

  20. I'm not convinced that 'intelligent' life exists on THIS planet... let alone others!

  21. of course life exists on other planets. its just not really possible to find them because the universe is so incredibly huge. Example: a couple weeks ago they found the oldest star to date estimated at some 13 billion light years away. like 76 sextillion miles away. thats 76,000,000,000,000,000,000,000. so even if we did discover something, it would most likely be dead and loooong gone once we discovered it because we'd be seeing it that many years ago.

  22. If intelligent life exists elsewhere, we do not know about it. If they came here, their technology would be so far advanced from ours, that they would share the same relationship with us, that we share with ants. Have you ever tried to explain your thoughts to an ant?

    A greater question is, "Does intelligent life exist in our own country?" Just notice half the people around you, and see how stupid they are, and as George Carlin says," Then realize that the other half of them are more stupid yet!"

  23. I try to find intelligent life on this planet.  Sometimes, it is fairly difficult.

  24. There possibly are and because of scary alien movies they don't want a panic (my opinion)

  25. The MIBs in the movies are fictional. There were real Men in Black, who lived years ago and had nothing to do with aliens. I did a question on this.

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