
Do you believe that its possible to come up with something completely original?

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or is it more likely that with the mass amount of humans in this world, that someone has had your idea before?




  1. I really don't think it's possible. There are billions of minds in the world, I think it's a matter of who is able to sucessfully prove the idea to a mass population.

  2. it not imposiible, but very hard. also if it was your origanal idea, people would claim that they had it before!

  3. Since there's a zillion people on this planet, no, I do not think it would be COMPLETELY original. Take Kiki Kannibal for example (no offence to Kiki fans). She thought that the coon stripes in hair is "completely her own, original idea", when people have been sporting it since the '80s.

  4. No, everywhere when an invention is put on the market people always think "I thought of that first" and then it wouldn't be original

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