
Do you believe that just living purely works someday? ?

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i don't know the true meaning of life, but sometimes i confused.

i see the people who did wrong but, they live well more than any other person,

whenever i see that, i think, just living purely doesn't work.




  1. Well it depends on what you mean by living purely... I don't think that many of us can say that we are completely without sin, who hasn't lied to a friend to not hurt their feelings.  

  2. its worth while being a good person

  3. It's very hard now days.But they say it will pay off in the end.Keep the faith.

  4. This might be a rather hard answer to digest mentally but, I am going to give you this piece of knowledge anyway. So here it goes. You asked if just living purely will work someday?  My answer is going to have to be an resounding no.

      We were not created to just be on this planet to suck up oxygen, bump into others, and squander away this brief life that has been given to us.  It is a good thing to be a caring human being but, you must take it to the next step.

    We don't have time to be concerned with what others are getting or have gotten we have much work to do, in a brief period of time. Those that you see doing wrong, will be judged accordingly, so do not waste precious mental energy trying to figure this out, it is all for naught. The only person that you will be able to answer for at the end of your life span is you.

    I am providing a quote for you. "For our rejoicing is this, the testimony of our conscience, that in simplicity and godly sincereity, not with fleshly wisdom, but by the grace of God, we have had our conversation in the world, and more abundantly to you ward. (II Corinthians 1:12)

    We are spiritual beings wrapped up in fleshy, skin packages. If we ever want to know what we were created and placed here to do them we must,return to the creator, and seek for understanding. Many times that is going to include doing and saying somethings that are unorthodox but, they will always turn out for the good if the intentions of the spirit man ( the real you) was sincere.

    So, here is my suggestion to you. Begin your spiritual journey today. We have a guidebook called the BIBLE that gives you advice on every situation under the sun that you can imagine.  In the end, if you have continued to stay on your spiritual path, even when you feel like you have made mistakes or messed up, You will be rewarded if you have done all you know to do. But the process begins by going back to the one who created you. And it is not your parents that were just loaned you as a special precious gift.  So begin to seek, and ask for understanding, and if you truly desire to know with your whole heart the answers will definetly be revealed to you.

    In all of your getting, get an understanding.

    I hope that the words that I have provided for you were of some assistance.

  5. Good or Bad aren't big factors for me, I just do what I feel like, what's right to me, I'm polite when I need to be, I never intentionally hurt somebody, but if somebody deserved some backstabbing (and I don't mean literal backstabbing), they can have it. You aren't "bad" because you've hurt another "bad" person, you've likely put them in their place. Meaning, in a sense, you're "good"?

    I don't get the whole idea of "good" and "bad", but those are my thoughts.

    Also, there isn't a meaning to life. We're here because of evolution, then s*x, then pregnancy, and finally birth. Life isn't always about making a big change. Alot of changes only make the world worse, but that's how life goes, isn't it?

    If there was a meaning though, I'd think it was reproduction, keeping the world going, and keeping the balance (food chain related stuff).

  6. Live ur life the way u want it (don't overdo it tho with crossing the limits)

    Don't do anything u don't want and don't suppress ur feelings. I believe that some day we r all rewarded 4 being 'good'

  7. Everything in life happens for a reason. Everyone has a rough patch in their lives. Things will get better, you just gotta take the bad with the good.

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