
Do you believe that leaving your PC on or your TV on standby is really KILLING the planet?

by  |  earlier

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FORGET THE COST, would your turn things off because of climate change or leave them on because you think its a load of bull s**t




  1. I love all these adverts etc from people who like to tell us how to live green lives,washing at 30 degrees, not filling up the bath, switching off lights etc,  why don't they start off with the nuclear power plants first closely followed by refuse incinerators and leave us alone.

  2. erm well i got both on at the minute

    I hate sitting here in silence!

  3. plain old NO.

  4. If you leave it on its not "physically killing the planet" but it is wasting energy which could be used to fuel more useful things.

    Energy will run out at some point and it will be difficult to live back in those conditions.

    I dont know what will happen when all forms of energy runs out, but leaving PCs, TVs, and other electronical items isn't good...

  5. Nah, I blame Easyjet and Ryanair

  6. Don't think we will save the planet whatever we do. We should all be less wastefull though.

  7. maybe, im moe concerned with the bills & electrical fires ...thats why mine og off at the plug ever time not in use ;o)

  8. I believe that governments have realised that by pretending to be more aware of 'green' issues they have yet another reason to hike up taxes and take more of our money.

    A friend of mine was a steward at Wembley for that 'green' concert thing.  He told me that they cleared away thousands of plastic water bottles and that the 'big' stars at the concert, like Madonna turned up with an entourage of about ten big gas guzzling vehicles.

    Who's kidding who on this subject????

  9. Well, then the electrical companies are going to have to come up with solar power or something else and get off their greedy little butts and stop suppressing free energy that Tesla discovered. Who's more responsible, greedy criminal corporations or the people that have to use their products to survive? You need to be clear before asking questions that insinuate people's liabililty.

  10. by turning off my TV (rather than putting it on standby) for x number of days I save this much

    > ....<


    when one politician flies to a 'green earth' conference.. just for the free ride and a few days sightseeing he uses this much

    >...................... <


    does my contribution make a difference......... well, yes it does... a little bit.......


    is my contribution going to save the planet........ no, no, no

  11. No, but I am not an idiot.

  12. i don't know about killing the planet but since i started turning them off its shaved loads of my leccy bill so it was killing my finances!! inc. leaving mobile phone charger plugged in,which i would never have thought of!!

  13. More energy is used during a night of standby than the time that most televisions are actually used.

    Switching off is easy and unlike many green actions is definately a green thing to do.

  14. we can´t kill the planet,only ourselves.-and the earth will lough about.

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