
Do you believe that man evolved from apes?

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  1. Humans did evolve from apes.  The common ancestor of humans and modern apes were APES.  We have genetic studies that prove beyond any sane doubt that we share common ancestors with all animals.  Fossil record, common sense from how we have domesticate plants and animals, embryology studies, biochemistry studies and other reasons all indicate that we are animals and are physically related to them.  There simply is no rational doubt unless you are ignorant.

  2. no, simply because physiologically we are closer to pigs than apes!!

  3. No, because if that was true then why the the rest of the monkeys and apes did not evolved too.

  4. No.  I agree with earfulof...   Why didn't the rest of the ape evolve to, if we evolved from them?

  5. The bible states that God created man and also created the animals.

  6. Simmilarities between the man and the apes are the basis of my beliefs and that is only the logical connection between the two spices found and substaintiated by the scientist freternity so far and also there is no other spices that so closly resembles Humans please convey if you have some other spices in mind who that so closly resembles the humans and can be considered as fore fathers

  7. No, I believe in Creation and the Bible. I have faith.. Simple as that... I am thankful I do.....

  8. Believing the intricacies of genetic design EVOLVED randomly  has the same chance as a tornado ripping through a junkyard and producing a BOEING 747 - or a monkey sitting in front of a typewriter pounding out the entire encyclopedia word for word.

    Have you considered how the simple eye is not so simple as to contain the right connections and muscles to create a picture in your brain?

    If everything did evolve from random events, how come only man has the power to appreciate a beautiful sunset, a tenor's high note, or a simple gesture of kindness from another human being?

    Ponder these thoughts.

    Be well :)

  9. Before i do until i learned that we have a god in our side that created all..besides how can scientist know we came from ape..and they also say we came from little particles that formed to be a cell and grown..and is that so where did that particle started from evrything didnt start from nothing..sometimes its really scary to think of it..but my answer is no even we really have the same physical  charatteristics..i dont believe in apes to human..

  10. humans did not evolve from apes. the theory is that humans and apes might share a common ancestor, or missing link. we have a lot of the same charateristics and our dna is very similar. i still believe there was an Adam and Eve! I even believe they were created by God, and who's to say that evolution wasn't God's design? So why could we not have evolved from a more primitive creature and then one day, either by mutation or will of God, or both, the first humans were born.  

    its hard to deny evolution.   take a look at birds for example (who have a much shorter lifespan), there are so many different types around and they are always finding new species. The same thing with cats... there are lions, tigers, mountain lions, and even the domesticated kind. even the domestic pets we have bred until we have weird looking purebreds that are on those funny dog and cat shows on tv. they are mutating... i believe at one point it was one species... otherwise how could they fit all the worlds creatures into Noah's ark?

  11. No, I don't think apes have a guilty conscious. They live by a survival of the fittest code. If we came from them we would all be dead. I personally believe in the Bible and Genesis. I think God spoke and their was light.

  12. I believe that humans have a common ancestor with modern apes.  The evidence is immense.  

    First off, the fossil record.  Although fragmented, there is a clear path in Africa from groups of primates transitioning to bipedalism and larger brain size.  We obviously originated in Africa, the same place our closest relatives live, chimpanzees and gorillas.  This is not a coincidence.  Let me share this piece of evidence with you.  A human male shares about 98.2% of his DNA with a male chimpanzee.  They are more similar than a male human to a female human or a male  chimpanzee with a female chimpanzee.  We are still so similar that we can still interbreed, thought the offspring would be sterile.  

    Also, our entire evolutionary legacy from is very apparent.  Our ancestors were primarily forest-dwelling herbivores.  At this time, the Sahara Desert and all of the area around it was an enormous grassland.  Some primate groups gradually moved out of the trees into the grasslands because of competition with other species.  Out on the grasslands, however, there was less vegetation that they could digest and more small animals to be hunted.  They became more of a hunting primate than a gathering one.  In the tall grasses, the ability to stand up was a great advantage, because it allowed one to scan for prey and/or possible threats.  This eventually led to early hominids becoming bipedal.  Our becoming of a hunting species advanced our brains as well.  Searching for plants to eat does not require much vocal communication, but hunting animals does.  As the hunters probably couldn't see each other very well, they had to transition into more developed vocal abilities.  This way, they could coordinate with each other, like wolves.  Also, since primates had previously evolved as mainly herbivores who fled danger rather than fought, they had no real natural weapons.  For our ancestors becoming hunters of the grasslands, they needed some way of protecting themselves other than fleeing through the treetops and a way of killing their prey effectively.  This brought about our use of tools, one of early man's most important innovations.  Our use of stone and wood tools eventually led into the wearing of clothing.  Clothing was superior to hair because it could be removed easily and parasites lived better in long haired animals.  We kept hair on our heads because that is where the majority of our heat is lost through, so we needed it more.  

    Finally, the basic idea of evolution just makes perfect sense. Meiosis never works out perfectly, so the offspring are always a little different from their parents.  In the case of asexual organisms, mitosis differs sometimes too.  If these differences are helpful, than the organism will survive.  If they are not, then the organism will not.  Those that survive will have more offspring, thus passing down their helpful genes, making these offspring more likely to survive.  It all makes sense.  Anyone who says it doesn't either doesn't understand it or can't accept that it is true because it "violates" the creation myth some nomad tribes came up with thousands of years ago.  

    I hope I provided you with enough justification.  If you want more thorough  explanations, contact me through this website.  Please do not attempt to email me.  The address I gave is fake because I am only fifteen and my parents would kill me if they ever found I had put real personal information on the internet.

  13. No, I dont believe men evolved from apes, I beleive that God created the Heavens and the Earth.

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