
Do you believe that obama really meant it when he said the palin family is off limits?

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because it's quite obvious it has only encouraged the sycophants to

dive deeper into the gutter!





  1. Kind of like McCain said Michelle Obama is off-limits about a month or two ago?

  2. Of course he did. He himself is a parent and no parent (if you are a loving and caring one) would ever want their child to be attacked or exposed negatively for that matter... he understands that concept and its good because "if" he will be the next president he needs to let the people know that he stands true now and will in office as well.  Good for him...btw I don't like either presidential candidates...

  3. He probably meant the Palin family is off limits.  Pretty standard English...

  4. I think he did, it's not his fault that both dems and republicans get a little bloodthirsty this time of year.

    The candidates both seem decent, it's their followings that get a little extreme.

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