
Do you believe that people come to you in your dreams?

by Guest59453  |  earlier

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my ex died in july and i often go to the cemetery and talk to him. i asked him to give me a sign that he was still with me..(spiritualy) and watching over me.

about 4 days later i had a dream about him and everyting was SO real. but it ended kinda bad. see he "came back" in my dream then at the end he died again. WTF??? what is he trying to tell me? or whas it jsut a coincidence?




  1. Some say dreams are a way of reorganising memories, so it could have just been that.

    On the other hand, your mind is much more open when you're asleep, and you could actually have seen him.

    I haven't had any dreams of the sort, but I keep hoping.

  2. i do believe that. im not sure what he was trying to tell u but in my opinion it makes sense that he died again in your dream he was coming to visit u but at the end of the visit he had to go back to heaven, u know what i mean

  3. My mum died in 1988, and i dreamt about her very rarely but never saw her face. A few years later i had a dream that she was in, for some reason we were on a big dipper (I hate them so why I was on it I have no idea lol) when she turned round to me, full face on and said 'i cant come anymore, you know this dont you', I woke up shortly after. To this day I have never dreamt of her, well not that I can remember.

    I'm not a dream expert sweetie, but to me, he was saying goodbye and letting you know that it was ok to let him go.

  4. when my gradma died my whole family kept talking about her 'visits', eg- toliets flushing, lights on and off, dreams, and i was totally disappointed she never came to me.  then a few months later i dreamt that she was over for dinner and i asked her why she never came to visit me and she said "i was here the whole time you just never noticed"- i woke up and started paying better attenton

  5. yes they do come and communicate through our dreams...ive been given messages in my dreams from passed away people.....just a few days ago, a little boy that lives in my street came to me, in my dream, as im away at the moment and not at home, i couldnt understand why he came to me, and what was wrong.....i found out days later that he was at a christmas party with his family, he is only 5 years old and the balcony collasped, he now lays in hospital in a coma, and was in a coma the night he came to me.....when he came to me he actually was asking me something, but i gave it no more thought, until i found out what had happened, then it made alot of sense........entering peoples dreams while we are asleep seems to be the easiest way for them to communicate to us......

  6. This greatly depends on the answer to a different question which is do you believe in an afterlife? I believe this as a matter of faith (not evidence) although there are some scientific attempts to look for evidence of an afterlife.

    However, some attempts by science in the study of ESP has shown positive results of sending images to people in their dream states (link below).

    Also, the Ganzfeld experiments that reduce a person's physical input from the senses suggest that an altered state of consciousness (dream like?) does make one more responsive to ESP impressions.

    Unfortunately in non testing situations one just has to choose as a matter of belief if a dream was wish fulfillment, reorganized thoughts, or actual spirit contact.

    I suggest choosing whatever you find that makes your life more meaningful as that nobody (debunker or believer) can tell you what you experienced or what to believe.

  7. I don't think he's trying to tell you something,but that is really strange! Its definitly a sign for something!

  8. Yes, I think they do. I know many will say they do not and your dreams is jut your mind working on the grieving process which that is part of it but I do think the dead come to us in dreams. I also think living people can enter your dreams also for good or bad. It is a matter of faith though. I am Wiccan so my beliefs are on the mystic side of life.


  9. I hope people can come to you in dreams. My friend died last April and one night I had a dream that she walked up to me as I was sitting reading a book and i told her "you're supposed to tell me something." she leaned over and whispered in my ear, but I have no idea what she said. I couldn't hear it. It was such an awesome dream and a little freaky. i like to think she had something to do with it. i have a lot of dreams about her still and i try to write them down. Once in a dream she gave me a yellow canary in a cage to make me feel better. I hope that your ex is really trying to "contact" you. (I don't know how else to put it.) it would be so amazing if my friend was trying to too.

  10. IDK...but I think someone who is alive has been coming to me in my dreams...because...I wouldn't think up the things that happen. Somehow you KNOW what's in YOUR heart and in YOUR mind. These things that I dream are NOT in my heart or in my mind.

      As for your ex.... MAYBE he's saying that it's the "death" of your relationship with him.....just like your divorce was supposed to be the death of your relationship. (unless you just mean he was your xbf..not your x husband.)I'm not saying that that's what he's saying. I'm just guessing.

    EDIT..Guess this will sound silly. My dog died over 5 months ago. I have a picture of her where I can see it all the time. It helps a lot. I wish I could see her in my dreams...or know that she's walking beside me. If "wishing" could make you have these dreams or people have "visits" from spirits...then I would be on here telling how she visited me. This is to say that "wishing" it doesn't make it matter what the skeptics say!!.

  11. I believe it is the easiest way for their spirits  to communicate with family members is through your dreams my stepmom came back to me after years of abusing me when i was younger *she had her hair and was beautiful (lost hair to chemo therapy)* she apologized and told me to watch my brothers and take care of my dad... It filled me up with utter most joy ... Thus again one of the many reasons i got into the paranormal....  I talk to my grandpa all the time in my dreams i know its them because i just have a the feeling i am talking to them as they were alive, because i can remember the past and you never forget those cherieshed memories you had with them :) Some are good and some are bad but the thing i learned is they love you no matter if they are dead or alive

    "A mind goes along way but the heart never leaves"

    Think of it this way : I knew someone who had a Great Grandmother who died of cancer but lost all of her memory before it got severe , the day she died she called told their mom  "forgot her name before" and said at the last second "

    "*not listing their real  name* Sally,  Take care of your son's i love you .... It is interesting how the human brain works :)

    It becomes yet another "Paranormal Mystery" in the making ;)

    Ryan ~Paranormal Investigator/Researcher~

  12. Yes, I believe that a spirit can visit you in which seems like a dream.  Its there way of re-assuring you that they are alright.  sometimes its the best way they can visit you, through your  subconscious.  They (spirits of loved ones) may fear if we were to see them with our conscious mind, we might be get frightened.

    These are my thoughts.

  13. I totally believe in this. I had a childhood friend that I grow up with die and I was so sad over it but could not fly down to say my last goodbye at his funeral. I really did hit me kind of hard. A few weeks later he came to me in my dream and the first thing I asked him was "are you died?" which he replied Yes. Then I started to explain to be that I was so sorry that I could see him and that I felt so bad and sad that he was gone. He just replied "Yes I know how you feel you don't have to explain anything to me." When he finally said he had to go I asked him if I could go with him and he just said "where I'm going you can't go?"

    He's been back in my dreams another time. Its funny because when he cames into my dreams he comes with an ex boyfriend of mine (which is his cousin and not dead.) but he never talks to me in my dream.

    As for what your dream about him dying I'm not sure.  I'm sorry that I can't help you. But at least you can still see him and talk to him from time to time.

  14. I'm sorry and feel for your pain but what I think he is trying to tell you is he loves you, but you have to let go so he can move on in peace.

  15. i believe that my thoughts bring them into my subconscious hence i dream about them as if they were here with me...i feel your loss as I lost my mother in 2001; i recently saw her crying in my dream over the estranged relationship with my siblings, i took that as a msg to restore our relationship...i somehow believe this is what she wanted, i think i was listening!

  16. Sometimes our dreams are just ways of the mind trying to "work" things out subconsciously. I do however, believe that someone can come to you in a dream....absolutely. Try not to read into it too hard... your conscious mind can dilute a true message and interfere with the dreams.

  17. Your psyche wanted it to be so therefore it triggered a "wish fulfillment" in your conscience. That's normal. Sometimes we want something so badly that our psyche will respond in this manner. However, if your dream becomes a recurring one and always ends in "death" for your husband then I think you need psychological help otherwise you may talk yourself into a life of fear and abnormal behavior based on a perceived conception which may not really be there. Go to the link below and read what "death" means in a dream. Just be careful and be objective about anything in the occult. It is a dangerous topic in the untrained mind like yours and mine.

  18. Yes I believe people who have crossed over come back to us in dreams as well as send us signs in ways only WE understand. You have to pay attention that's all.

    Next time you go to the cemetery bring a tape recorder and ask him to talk to you. When you play the tape back maybe you'll hear something. It's called Electronic Voice phenomena or EVP's.

  19. No I do not believe deceased people have the form to visit the living.  However, that doesn't prevent the living from keeping the deceased alive in their memories--whether through dreams or our conscious imagination.

    You missed him and wanted to see him, so your subconscious worked with your conscious to make that happen.

  20. First, I am so very sorry for your loss.

    Yes, they do.  Mostly tho just as they have passed, they come to say good bye.

    He may not be at rest.  How old was he?  It sounds like he passed before his time.

    You need to tell him you'll be okay at some point, because he will not pass over to the other side.

  21. I do not believe people or dead people can  come to your dream and talk to you.  

    The vision or image you see basically is from your subconscious mind.  You projected how he wanted to come back and that is how.  In other words, since he was part of your life, more or less that will lurk into your subconscious mind. Dreaming of him is no surprise whether it was a long time. After all, that person was part of your life.  The question really is how  you trigger him to be in your dream.

    In your case, projecting him talking to you may seem like some unresolved issue you have in mind, he being dead again may show some thing  you want to give up or you may subconsciously realize that he is longer that. In other words, you admitted that was truth in your dream as well.

  22. I'm sorry to hear of your recent loss. No, I personally don't believe that the deceased have the ability to visit us in our dreams. Our dreams of our loved ones who have passed on are explained simply by our grieving and our sense of loss.

  23. Hello Loves

    Sorry about your loss.

    Spirit will come to us via the route of least resistance - dreams in particular.

    So there is every likely hood that this was you partner. The worrying part of the dream was probably your own mind reacting to the loss.


  24. It is possible for spirits to come to you in your dreams, I get it all the time, it's one way my spirit guides and I communicate. But I'm afraid I don't think he's trying to tell you something, but more that this is partly a "wish fulfillment" dream. (((HUGS)))) on your loss.

    BUT... he's always with you. Do you ever get a wiff of a scent that just reminds you of him? Or you're somewhere, doing something and he's the furthest thing from your mind, when suddenly he pops into your thoughts?? Ever find yourself out of the clear blue sky having a conversation with him and imaginging what he's saying in response? Or when you go to the cemetary and talk to him, do you ever imagine his responses?? It's that easy, just most people don't realize it. That's him. Loved ones who die will always be with us, and they CAN hear you.

    Peace, love and light

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