
Do you believe that people who order a program online and do not read the terms and conditions are at fault?

by  |  earlier

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Do you believe that people who order a program online and do not read the terms and conditions &/ the disclosures are at fault or the company? Who is supposed to be the responsible one? The client or the company?




  1. If u *clicked* agree to the terms then yes you are at fault.

  2. It doesn’t matter if you’re talking about clicking an electronic agree button or singing a contract, if you sign, you *agreed* to the terms of those contracts whether you took the time to read them or not. You choose not to read, you choose to be ignorant. That’s no one’s fault but yours.  

  3. As long as the company has written the program and documentation in good faith (i.e. the fine print doesn't say thins like,"oh yeah, and we now own your firstborn) then the consumer is at fault. They are presumed to have read all documents before signing and purchase.

    If the consumer has essentially been tricked, then they have a valid case against the company.

  4. Unfortunately yes, if you agreed. That's the thing, companies do that because they know that people don't read it, unless you can find something that contradicts what they say in the agreement you are binded.

  5. kinda sorta...because even tho no one ever really reads the terms... the site feels that they have done their part be stating the info in the in the terms... and then be asking you to check a box saying you've read them... means they can call you a liar when you discover something about them that you say you weren't aware of... its a business way of shoving your nose in it.... i hate it...

  6. the company is being responsible by putting on these terms and conditions, and making it necessary for you to click that you have read them. If people want to not read it and say that they have, of course they are at fault, do you if you sign a contract and don't read it that you can get out of it by saying that it is the company's fault?

  7. The consumer.  If there is a sheet with terms and conditions, generally you have to click "I agree" at the bottom, indicating you agree to the terms.  

  8. Before ordering anything on or off line, you should always read the terms and conditions and the disclosures.  If you don't, then the consumer (the person ordering) is at fault.  These terms and conditions and disclosures our set by the company to cover themselves.  This puts them "not at fault" for a consumer not reading the fine print.  This would be a classic example of a consumer at fault and I bet they turn around and call the company a scam when they  signed the agreement but didn't read it.


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