
Do you believe that possession really happens?

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I do. Just wondering if I''m alone in this belief...on this site.




  1. I have never seen it.  But if you believe it, it could happen.  Like Voodoo it only works if you think that someone or something can steal your soul.  I don't think any one can take your soul without your permission.

  2. yes it does....just look at the story of emily rose...

  3. Yes I do think possession happens.  Some times more intensely than others

  4. yes, very much so. Satan is alive and very real, so are his demons. Jesus performed exorcisms in the Bible. And there are verified medical accounts of possesion that doctors could not treat, calling in the clergy to help.

  5. This is a thing of the brain playing tricks.

    A person has control over what he/she thinks or creates in the thinking process.

  6. No.  A more relevant question to ask within the Science & Mathematics category is if there is any scientific evidence for such a thing. Of course the answer is no. But perhaps you'll find the answer you're looking for in Mythology & Folklore?

  7. Yes a kind of possession does exist and i could explain how but my Gout is acting up and my fingers and joints are sore.

    Lucid dreaming has been proven through a number of sleep studies at several universities, lucid dreaming is the source for this theory, lucid dreaming is where the conscious mind is in control of the dream state a sub conscious process, when your conscious mind is in control of a part of the sub conscious mind it can then access other area's of the sub conscious mind with enough practise, there is also another sub conscious phenomenon that has happened before and been recorded but never proven it is called shared dreaming, this is a very rare ability but there have been a number of reports of it happening, now there are some people who believe that shared dreaming is like astral travel in that you have a silver cord that anchors your conscious mind to your body, some people have hypothesized that if two people are willing they could exchange anchor points thus anchoring there conscious mind to the other persons body effectively swapping bodies when they wake up.

    Note: Twins have often reported having experienced shared dreams so perhaps the sub conscious mind is more complex than people give it credit for.

    That person who gave me a thumbs down i have to say.....whatever.

  8. I assume you're referring to possession by "evil spirits".  If you have ever had the chance to observe a "possessed" person you will note that they act just as their culture dictates a possessed person to act.  A possessed Mexican acts differently than a possessed African.  Also, there is no known case of an atheist being possessed.  That would lead a reasonable person to conclude that possession is--like speaking in tongues--an artifact of belief.

  9. Lets say that someone who is "possessed" is under the control of forces beyond their control.

    It is hard to say what causes a person to feel out of control or what series of events lead them to be possessed, but "possessed" people respond to anti-psychotic medication and do not feel possessed.

    Many others self-medicate their illness with alcohol and other drugs.

    If someone is susceptible to possession, they should be very careful what they think about.

    We can say with certainty that psychosis really happens.  It also appears that those forces that "possess" someone have very little power separate from the "victim".  One theory of schizophrenia is that a microbial vector infects our population, and a small number of individuals are genetically triggered into psychosis.

    I would like to humbly add that I do not know the full extent of what is happening to these people.  I can only guess and wish them the best outcome.

    In addition, each of us creates our mental state moment by moment by the thoughts we choose...

    Choose well!

  10. Yes :)

  11. Generally I don't believe in this sort of thing at all.  But sometimes I look at people's behavior and the only conclusion I can come to is that they must be posessed.  But if you're talking like the exorcist?  h**l no, that movie was most likely the end result of Catholic propaganda.

  12. Yes, it does... and it doesn't even have to be Exorcist-style, people can become possessed and barely even notice, just have a strange personality change.

  13. No. And neither does James Randi, because he has never had to give his million bucks away.

    Nobody seems to want it!

  14. You are never alone.  God Himself describes demon possession in the Holy Scriptures.

    I could tell you stories, but I have answered the question asked.  YES, possession really happens!

    You would be wise to invite Jesus into your heart, then you can say with me, "Greater is He who is in me than he who is in the world".

    "Have you never heard or understood?

    Don't you know that the LORD is the everlasting God,

    the Creator of all the earth? He never grows faint or weary.

    No one can measure the depths of his understanding.

    He gives power to those who are tired and worn out;

    he offers strength to the weak.

    Even youths will become exhausted, and young men will give up.

    But those who wait on the LORD will find new strength.

    They will fly high on wings like eagles.

    They will run and not grow weary.

    They will walk and not faint".

    (Isaiah 40:28-31)

    Teach me Lord

    Teach me Lord, to wait!

  15. No it does not happen.

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