
Do you believe that quacks can offer us a miracle cure?

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Americans spend about $30 billion a year getting their medical trarment from quacks.... its really large why?




  1. Sometimes, faith is the most important thing for healing. So if one has faith, there is a possibility of healing even though the healer is not qualified. You can check the movie "The Secret" for some miraculous healing which were considered impossible by modern medicine

  2. The term quack came from the 30's when the AMA, a small trade union, with the financial backing of Rockefeller who felt allopathetic medicine was a lucrative business with the invention of xrays..yet he himself never trusted allopaths and used a homeopath, but the AMA then began to knock everyone else out of the running..

    The AMA began to create quack files to assure only they could benefit from the profits that could be found in health care, pushing out many other healers. Some naturopaths and homeopaths etc were grandfathered in. They also in court were shown to have tried to blackball chiropractors as they were so successful in treating back and neck pain more recently

    Yet, in the 20s and 30s there was a guy name Hoxsey who was curing cancer..the worst of cancers.

    Much publicity and testimonies ensued and  newspaper articles were written and the AMA payed Hoxsey a visit and asked to buy his formula (which of about 17 herbs, 16 were later found to dissolve and destroy tumors and cancer cells in medical lab testing) that formula had been passed down from generation to generation in his family.  

    Hoxsey was going to sell it but asked for one concession.  He wanted the AMA to agree to give it free to those patients who could not afford it as he had promised his father that on his deathbed.  They laughed and said no so he refused to sell it.

    Morris Fishbine the head of the AMA then went on a vendetta to destroy Hoxsey and a battle full of accusations and lawsuits took place in the newspapers.  Hoxsey was sued and visa versa.and a lot.

    When patient after patient after patient appeared in court with medical records and xray records in tow saying "my doctor said I was supposed to be dead x years ago and I am still here thanks to Hoxsey", the court declared Hoxsey did, in fact, cure cancer and proved it beyond a shadow of a doubt.

    He was, at the time, the only person to ever win a case against the AMA.  Eventually they succeeded in closing all his many clinics on the same day and he could not afford all the money for legal fees and court battles and moved to Mexico.

    The fascinating story called "the quack who cured cancer..when healing becomes a crime" is told on video (see ebay)

    When the AMA, the the pharmaceuticals, the makers of MRI and radiation equipment, the dialysis centers, the hospitals etc are making mega bucks on their lock on medical care, it is in their financial interest to keep the competition out.

    Loraine Day, an allopathic doctor who cured herself of cancer using alternative treatment, did a tape called "cancer doesn't scare me anymore" (for which she was ostracized by the medical community) and in it, she addressed the theme of follow the money and explained how the drug manufacturers keep the many studies that show herbs and other simple,  inexpensive, non toxic treatment from the doctor's realm of knowledge and out of the medical journals that doctor read.

    If they AREinformed, they are often forbidden to use these treatments even if they know they work..they risk losing and have lost their medical licenses or been arrested and this, of course, sets a nice scary precedent for other doctors.

    The AMA also uses the hoxsey tactic on their own kind as well..  A doctor who originally was using a treatment involving RNA/DNA that he discovered and then found that it worked  was also approached by the AMA with offers to buy it (I think this was said to be to keep it off the market)..he refused they said they would ruin him and they did and he fled to another country.

    In order to put the person's health above money, the money incentive must be removed by going to a good single payer plan or else pay doctors when you are well and not when you are sick..this way they will work to prevent sickness in you extra hard.

    Alternative health is used because it is often so effective.  I have self treated for many years using herbs, foods, nutrients, home remedies and other such modalities whenever I can and I have never seen it fail.  Yes, I would not use an herb if I was in a car wreck or something but for chronic diseases yes, for regular things yes..

    This is cause I know it works and if you know how, even for the worst dying cases, then you use it. the more you use it, the more you see it's success and trust your gut instead of doctor's poo-poo ing it.

    Unfortunately, the profit incentive affects the makers of supplements/ herbal makers too,  After all, if they are too good at fixing people, they are out of business.  In order to maximize profits, they often use the cheapest herbs possible supplements are often from 3rd world countries where even things like DDT, and even fecal matter are used.  

    Even if the herbs are organically grow,  they are often sprayed on arriving in the US.  They use these cheap herbs as they can get people to grow and pick them for pennies a day., maximizing their profits..  An organic herb or wild crafted is 7-10 times higher in the known and undiscovered pytochemicals that prevent and cure disease.  Often makers put more money and time into designing a catchy label than the contents of the bottle and making you well.

    Also herbs are generally taken in capsule form and this is not easily absorbed.  People should generally be taking herbal tinctures and extracts.  Cut and dried herbs should be used over powdered as often they are burned when powdering them thus lessening potency.

    Generally it is alternative health that does give miracle cures and they do come for every illness.  Prevention and excellent diet and good lifestyle increases the chances you won't get sick and also we need better air and water and food in this country. We need less things like fast food restaurants on every corner, pop in schools and better food in our grocery stores.

    I really believe in it and use alternative health and it works for me usually.  One can use alternative health and pay less by making their own tinctures using bulk herbs..I save about 90% of the cost when I do this.

    You are helping the huge medical industry that keeps many from recovering by using the term quack..yes, there are certainly quacks and charlatans but not all people who are not drug companies and allopathic doctors are quacks.  

    Also, way more people are harmed or killed at the hands of doctors, hospitals,  and the dangerous side effects of drugs especially when one is taking lots of them than at the hands of those you call quacks. Lawyers often take only the more proveable and certain of cases in malpractice suits and doctors protect each other.  I know records are changed as my sister worked at a doctor's office many years and told me something when they made mistakes, they altered the records.

    I feel both have a place in health care, but I use doctors mostly for diagnosis and when alternative health would not apply like when I was recently in a serious car accident. Once in a great while I use a medical drug.  Almost never take over the counter drugs as the stuff I get at health food stores or have at home work better.

    Often the average person knows more about alternative health than doctors do. We have been told so often beware of quacks that we now do the work for doctors. How this country loves to play on our fears.

    If one is informed and is an adult, they should be allowed health freedom in this country and insurance should pay for the things one needs to care for their health alternatively,  I can almost guarantee it will be cheaper than what the allopaths charge. Even if there is a risk they might run into a real quack.  Naturopaths often take much more detailed histories and spend far more time with their patients. they use comprehensive programs to restore health.

    Natural medicie is traditional medicine..the history of man built upon generation by generation..many folkcures we now know actually do help certain diseases or have chemicals in the herbs used that studies show help that organ..hawthorne for the heart for instance is widely tested and has been found in medical school labortories to have many postive effects on the heart

    When I recently told my doctor, I stopped my mom's heart attack in less than two minutes when nitro did nothing, before I could say how, she said "with cayenne right"?  Of course, this is a allopath very open to alternative health and nutrtionally oriented...a doctor of the future if you will,

    Also education programs and preventative programs are needed.  Healthy "fast food", more inexpensive healthy foods.

    Schools should not be cutting PE classes but using creative ways to get kids to love exercising and physical should be fun. I have head of some of these innovastive programs and their success,

    Schools need to have healthier lunches..pilot programs where local farmers teem up with a school system to provide organic and fresh organic meats, dairy and produce are good. so are organic gardens the kids do and cooking of them.  These program show kids loving things one would not expect like kale and eggplant and other veggies and fruits when they are taught have to prepare them and have a hand in growing and cooking them..they often improve the diet of their entire families.

    A lot could be done to improve health but in this country health care and our diets are pretty much using us as cash cows.

  3. Because people spend too much time listening to other people and not enough time listening their intuition.

    Western medicine has held us hostage for so many years.  First of all the focus is on the disease/symptom and not prevention or maintaining health.

    Next, the pharmaceutical industry makes a fortune off of us selling drugs that create more health problems than they cure.

    I agree, we are spending billions on quacks that know how to get our money.

    Miracle cures depend on the individual.  If you have the desire and determination to heal that is half the battle.  If you don't wait too long that is even better.  I say cures depend on the individual more than the medicine.

  4. I would not doubt if it is more then that...

    "Quacks" make there living on people being sick, why would they want us cured??

    When one prescription is over $300 bucks a month for a condition that is not life threatening but is prescribed anyways, this is ridiculous!! At one time there were two of us on this prescription, over $600 bucks a month for just one prescription!!

  5. Depends on your definition of "quack."

    It's people's choice to spend their money on what they want. Their lack of concern for their health and apathy towards research is why they spend their money.

  6. "Only the Quacks are curing Cancer"

    QUACKERY was a code word for 'competition' which arrogant allopaths used, at a time when they knew very little about disease and more importantly its treatment.

    We are really delving into the realms of medical politics, which is nasty stuff. The NWO Elites of the World, want you dead, they are obsessed with eugenics, neo-darwinism and satanism, and it these people who rule and govern all things on earth.

    Hope this helps.

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