
Do you believe that s*x offenders ever change? For example Josef Fritzl?

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It turns out that he had prior s*x offenses which were expunged after a certain period of time. Do you believe that such a person can change their ways?




  1. I do not belive for a second that s*x offenders can change their behaviour.  I think that the urge is to strong to commit the offense, and getting caught is worth the risk for the pleasure of the moment.  The Uk is too easy on s*x offenders with the sentences that are handed out...!

  2. in all fairness, they have no hard evidence of "the fritz" being involved in any previous crime apart form the crime "t'old fritz" is being questioned bout. when someone gets arrested they automaticaly get checked for previous "unsolved" crimes.

    turns out, they should have picked up on his previous record :/

    Fascism FTW

    jeez that guy was warped :(

  3. If you believe that s*x offenders can "change" their sexual desires on a drug and therapy regimen, then you must also believe that you can "change" somebody who is heterosexual to a homosexual through drugs and therapy.  If you can find identical twins with one s*x offender twin and one twin who is normal, we can at least say that although they are genetically identical, conditioning can at least allow people to CONTAIN their urges.  I think drugs and therapy can CONTROL sexual desires, but the desires themselves are genetically determined.  There is nothing "wrong" with any kind of sexual desire because it is genetic, just like black skin or being tall.  What is wrong is acting on sexual desires that injure other living beings physically and/or mentally and emotionally.

  4. No. History has proven this.

    The public understand this, its the experts and the Authorities who have not a clue.

  5. NO! They will never change! All of this rehabilitation c**p is just that.  c**p!

    A waste of taxpayers money and they will be paroled..and do it again!!!

  6. No, they can't change.  Even castration doesn't make any difference because it's their brain that controls the urges.

  7. The Austrian law is an as* oops I mean a donkey.

  8. No, I don't believe they can nor can they be rehabilitated which is why I advocate Capital Punishment for paedophiles. Castration wouldn't work because there are other sick ways to sexually abuse someone. Why should taxpayers keep these sick and unproductive members of society in prison?

  9. Personally I have my doubts.

    I know it's not civilised to go around wishing people harm, but when it comes to ''s*x offenders'' (a misleading term, considering that it's about power and not s*x anyway), my blood boils. These depraved freaks deserve all that's coming to them and then some. Vile creatures... and if I hear one more misguided moron bleating about the 'human rights' of such people, I shall burst a blood vessel. What about the human rights of women and kids (and men for that matter) to go around safely without being victimised in the worst way by cowardly, despicable, predatory scumbags who should have been strung up long ago.

  10. I don't believe they do, people rarely change.

  11. This person is much more than a s*x offender his actions defies beleif.Never in the history of mankind as anyone commited such a heanous crime.It is too awful to contemplate.The Russians had the right idea with Rudolph Hess and never released him.Fritzl has to be housed in a special place all alone,no light,low roof,a vow of complete silence,But even at 73 he must be kept alive to suffer as long as he lives.He tortured 8 human beings all those years a quick death for him would be an injustice.The Natzis are still alive in Austria.

  12. No....

  13. no i do not believe that they can change , how any lawyer can defend this monster is beyond belief

  14. no i don't, its been proved so many times, they come out of prison and go back and re offend, people say they can be rehabilitated but i don;t think they can. Sorry but this man

    should be hanged. I don't believe in the death penalty but this is a crime so heinous that it would only warrant the death penalty.

  15. No I dont without radical surgery

  16. Nope.

  17. No I dont think they can change, because they have personality disorders

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