
Do you believe that society in general and educators always follow the best education practices?

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Do you believe that society in general and educators always follow the best education practices?




  1. I believe they RARELY follow best education practices

  2. No.

    The best education practice is one that honors each individual students unique learning style and interests.

    Schools are set up as a one-size-fits-all bureaucracy, which is slowly killing our children's' passion for knowledge.

  3. I think they try.  Often times schools jump on board with the newest trend, thinking that that is the way that things ought to be, and later we say: "What were we thinking?"

  4. In my experiences -which shape my views- it seems just the opposite, that is, society (or at least that segment of society that crafts and implements policies, rules, laws, etc) seems to ignore educational best practices and simply promulgate practices rooted in outdated axioms and standards, as well as those practices that are more of a political expedient than a bona fide instructional methodology.

    In America, education is a sub-set of the political arena and, as such, is perceived and governed by an economic model and ridiculously archaic tax property formulas that simply continue to honor a system of patronage where the already "well-heeled" are guaranteed the coontinuance of the lion's share of the pie while those schools -and students- far from the monied crowds compete for less and less of the leftovers ... it's a rather sad -and certainly, undemocratic- way to manage a so-called civilized society.

    Best practices of education are relegated to the pages of journals and the nuanced activities that a brave and bold teacher may try to include alongside the "teach-to-the-test" mantra of current public educational practices.

    The nations abysmal truency rates, high school graduation rates, and school to prisons rates are but one testament to the refusal of using best practices.  At the level of higher education, it's eye-opening when it's discovered that less than 28% of the American work force has Bachelor's degree; about 15% have Master's degree; and less than 1% a PhD.

    Best practices?  Hardly.

  5. Unfortunately, no.

    Besides what I may consider to be the best education practice might differ from others'.

    Historically, education has been affected by context (historical, economical...), current theories on learning, resources, etc.

    What was the appropriate teaching method in our parents' time is not what's appropriate now.

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