
Do you believe that some people are inherently luckier than other people? (I think I am jinxed.)?

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Do you believe that some people are inherently luckier than other people? (I think I am jinxed.)?




  1. There's no such thing as luck. They're just having a good period of time in their lives, considering I am a christian, We believe that life has it's ups and downs, but no luck. Think about this: You KNOW that somethings aren't going right, You're having a bad period in your life. BUT, always know that after a "valley" or a bad period in your life, there's always a "mountain" or SOMETHING GOOD's gonna happen!!! So Rejoice that you're in your bad season, because something great is coming!! God has something good planned for you! Don't look at the glass half-empty, look at it half full! We have the power of Death and life on our toungue, in other wordss, what you say will happen, so If you speak life, or good and positive, then life or good things will happen! be positive, and  remember, rejoice, be a good person. I work hard everyday and do good deeds, I get good grades and My friends always give me things , My mom gets me things, my sister gets me things, I get things for them, So I'm a positive person and I get good things!

    God Bless!

  2. well i guess if you are irish you have lucky in you if not i would get something that cold be a goold luck charm

  3. when i look back on my life, everything i wanted i got, only through the thought of having it...if you want something to happen bad enough, it will....ive had bad things happen to, maybe thats just life, or maybe they were my fears, and i thought about them to much and they happened as well, just from thinking about them to much.....its all in the power of thought...........edit..gee dave s what have you done to your picture, its so long....

  4. Opra says luck is when preparation meets opportunity.  I so agree.  I do believe thought that what goes around comes around.  But what goes around is something we control. So I don't believe in luck at all.

  5. Check out the brainpower web site and how to make your on luck. Good luck!...:)

  6. For sure.

    I know a person that has way too much luck. Wins everything , door prizes, lottery scratcher for $5000, you name it, if she enters, she wins it.

    I win nothing.

    Has nothing to do with preparation. Sometimes you just show up at a company party and they have a doorprize that you had no idea was coming.

  7. Luck is what you make of it .were people choose to believe it or not the choices that you and the people around you make is what affects you and others

  8. i think some people are lukier

  9. I think so. But we all should learn how to make the best out of any situation given to us. I don't think anyone is jinxed. We all have runs of bad luck and bad choices.

  10. Argue in favor of your limitations and they will be yours.

  11. To me, luck is a chain of coincidental events working in the person who has the luck's favor.

  12. I make my own luck.

    I have been playing Bridge for 2.5 years, and in that 2.5 years I have won the money more than 60 times, Since May 2007; I have won enough money to buy a ukelele.

    Remember the law of karma?

    If you do good deeds; good things will come back to you. If you do bad deeds bad things will come back to you.

    The Wiccans have a similar teaching in the rede, and the young carpenter gave the same teaching when he said "you reap what you sow.

    I do good deeds whenever I can, and I am extremely lucky.

  13. Well, I sit on the fence on this one, but only because I see both sides. I do think some people have easier lives. But I also think we can make our own luck. You see, it's all in your attitude. If you think something will work out, you'll work harder at it, whereas if you're pretty sure it won't work out you're likely not going to put very much energy into making it work, thereby signing your own death sentence. I've seen it happen quite a lot in my life. Attitude goes for a lot. Look for the best in life and you'll very often find it. Look for the worst, and, well, ditto.

    I also just think that God chooses the hardest paths for His strongest children, that He doesn't give us anymore then we can truly handle (no offense to anyone, I just happen to be religious)

    Choose to count your blessings. I'm usually surprised at what I see when I do that, when something else in my life seems to go wrong (I know that feeling well, seems like your forever getting the c**p end of the stick). But also...choose to see the bad things that happen as learning experiences. Almost every single one is something you can learn from (I truly believe that).

    Peace, love and light

  14. I believe some people are born into luckier situations than others. Donald Trump being born to a father that was a millionaire real estate developer certainly helped him on the ways to his billions. However, he did choose to follow in the family business and surpassed his fathers success.

    Not to say that rich kids can't suffer from abuse, neglect, and physical (medical) problems that some people wouldn't consider lucky.

    Certainly having a positive outlook on life will at least let you notice the good luck more often. However, one has to be a realist as well. If you want to win the lottery you have to buy a ticket no way around it.

  15. no such thing as luck. Luck is just a name people put on circumstances they cant explain reasons for happening. I equate luck to the word "accident". There is no such thing as an accident. You can always find a reason for it to happen. not paying attention, following to close, driving too fast, being distracted by something. Luck is the same way. good or bad, you set yourself up for it through your actions before something happens. You put yourself in a position to fail or succeed. Change what your doing, work harder, change friends, you change your luck!

    Edit: I used to be able to walk into a casino and go right to a slot machine that would payout big. for a few months this good luck would happen. But then it turned around and I could not pick a machine for the life of me and lost everything I had won. this was for about a year or so. was it luck? No, it was mathematical probability. I had a certain chance of picking a machine that would payout, and the same chance of picking ones that didnt pay anything. winning isnt luck, it the mathematical probability of being in the right place at the right time.

  16. yea some people are alot luckier than others but this has alot to do with how good lookin u are or how much money u have or if your family is rich or poor

  17. Luck comes in what I would call streaks. If you were lucky sometime early in life then lost it, it is very difficult to restore it. If you have not been lucky up to this point then look forward to it later. In some people luck lasts a long time, and in others it is very short. It is important to use your luck when you have it, it might not be there later.



  18. Random events do occur, so the events in your life are not entirely within your control.  However, I think your attitude has more to do with good things happening to you than do these external factors.  This reminds me of the old adage, "Life is 10% what happens to you and 90% how you react to it."

  19. (to "his lady"...God must think I'm "Superwoman".)Yes, I think there must be something like "luck". I'm just not sure how it works and why. Some people call it "blessings".  I do know that people who have hurt me badly have gotten "blessed".  So I really really don't understand what it's all about.

  20. Hello Annie

    Good & Bad luck arrive in our lives in equal quantity.

    Some people are optimistic - some pessimistic.

    Those who are happy go lucky, see luck about them, see opportunities for luck, recognise it when it arrives.

    Those prone to be down & miserable do not, they focus on the bad & see it all about them.

    Luck = a state of mind. Think possitive, see everything as an opportunity or a challenge to learn - your not jinxed.

    In Peace


  21. It is said the good fortune favors the prepared, I agree.

  22. Yes I believe that. But I also think we make our own bad luck some of the time.

  23. I think some ppl focus more on the negative then on the positive and therefore remember their unlucky moments forever and quickly forget their lucky moments. But ya, sometimes I fell jinxed too!

  24. no, but everyone has bad days, bad weeks, bad years even. Its not a jinx, its just life.

  25. I definitely do believe that some people have better luck than others, but all that means is that if you are one of those people who is constantly having bad luck (as I once was) then you need to make your own luck. Don't sit around and let the bad things keep happening to you.

    One that lets the world decide thier fate is a foolish one indeed. One that goes out and makes his own luck is smart. And in the end shall be rewarded.

    Personlly, I think the unlucky people are better off. They get more life experience, tend to be more humble (because they know what it's like to not be lucky and have everything handed to them on a silver platter. If you're one of those people, treasure it. Hold it close and enjoy it.

  26. HAHA, good question. Yh, i think some are inherently luckier cos some were born with a silver spoon in their mouth more or less, whereas others have had to start from the bottom and work their way up. But overall, i think most people think they are unlucky, because it is easier to remember the negative side of things than the positive, except of course the lucky few who've had a free ticket to paradise by lottery winnings or escaped death in some miraculous way etc.

  27. The more one observes and grows the more there is to see and learn.This is really a complexed question. Because one who fails, laments it as there is not a farrier answer. But if one goes deep into it one can really see and observe through experience. You are right. This world is full of mammals and many more species. And all act accordingly. Had we all been rich could we get a laborer to do the petty jobs? So there is much more which the time tells and we experience.

  28. no.  If you think positive great things will happen to you.

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