
Do you believe that some people have spiritual jealousy...?

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about the spiritual or paranormal things that happen to others? (even believers..even churches?)Have you ever known anyone to do anything bad to you or others because of this jealousy?




  1. I hear about people having "charismatic moments with the arch angle Gabriell in the bathroom mirror in the morning" but its all just "crazy" talk

  2. oh jealousy, yeah it happens majorly...

    I find people that want to believe in the paranormal, and when nothing happens time and time again, they simply think, we are lying to them, and it simply doesnt exist..

    Churches get jealous when your average person experiences a religion apparition, they are called liers.. Look at Bernadette when she saw the apparition of the Virgin Mary 18 times in the grotto, In Lourdes France.. All these innocent people are punished cause they are labelled as liers, and why should they have a visit and not the church ministers, who have devoted their lives to God..why not them???

    I know with Bernadette, she was put down by the church, then she devoted her self to God and Mary, she became a nun, and died of an early age, early 30,s. It was only when they exhumed her many years later, and found her body was incorrupt, and thats when they gave her the title of saint. Bernadette... Like many other saints, they become important only after their deaths, when they are dug back up and found to be incorrupt.. >>> corpse was still in flesh, They have her now in a glass coffin in the main church, which was built after her and her messages from the Virgin, to build that church.....

  3. Hello

    Psychic Envy is common, but like all envy only present in those who have ego's or are unsure of themselves.

    Envy is present in all parts of life.


  4. Human beings are capable of just about every means of putting themselves on self-destructive paths as a person could think of.  I suppose spiritual jealousy could be somewhere in that catalog.

    I've known dowsers who were fairly poisonous about one another when they were competing for well business, but I wouldn't call it spiritual jealousy.  I've known spiritual healers who might have been envious of other healers who happened to be better at it than they were, but again, I wouldn't call it spiritual jealousy.

    I'd say there are a lot of pagan practicioners of arcane energy work who do, or attempt to do harm to others [or to energy-influence the lives of others in manipulative ways] for amazingly trivial reasons.  I suppose in some instances it might be spiritual jealousy, but again, I think it's usually more fundamental and usually mediocre than spiritual jealousy.

  5. My paranormal group was one of the first (if not the first, but let's just say one of to be safe) groups in western NY. I am also on a television show and have a research grant for paranormal research at a local fairly prestigious university. I am also the target of web site hackings, black magic "curses," and other forms of sabotage dished out by other paranormal groups in my area. The jealousy is insane - and I have taken a leave of absence from paranormal investigation as such. I've found success brings with it both admirers and insanely jealous people who will do anything to bring you down. I write about it on my web site, if anyone is interested.

  6. Yea.

    you get some people in the "New Age" group ( or any religous groups for that matter ) that try to be more "spiritual than thou"

    They go out and do yoga,  have all kinds of crystals, read the latest "spiritual books",  do all kinds of meditations ... dont eat meat, milk or any animal products.....but on the inside they are evil jealous people.

    I dont understand that..

  7. In all my life, I have not heard of such of thing, usually people hear things like that, they are scared off., not jealous.

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