
Do you believe that some system of socialized medicine could work in America as it does in theUK?

by Guest56302  |  earlier

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What are you're thoughts on this ?




  1. For your info., it doesn't work well in the UK. Just ask the people that are having to pull their own teeth with a pair of pliers to confirm this.

    Socialized Medicine has not worked well anywhere.

    From long waiting periods to see a doctor, and not the doctor of your choice, but the choice you have given up to the government to make for you. There are lots of reasons that socialized medicine doesn't work well, or have good out comes. If it did, would all of our government employees, senators, judges,lawyers,VP.,and President, want to be on it?

    I don't think so, because we the people have been asleep at the wheel to long. They have the best health care anywhere in the world. And it is paid for by us, the tax payer. If they, (the law makers) cared about us, they would stop and roll back their pay raises and God awful spending, and get rid of all the unnecessary taxes.

  2. yes every othe industrilalized country and many non inmdustrial countris offer it now and 41 have higher life expectancies as a reesult. The uk and Canada have govt run systems In fance ans switzerland its private insurance subzidized as neded by the government this is basicaly what Obama wants. Its doable and necessary from a social moral, and economic viewpoint. We spend ( waste ) more money on healthcare then elsewhere with worse results cause some much of our healthcare money paid in premiums etc is wasted on profits and overheads for hmo's

  3. Yes, I think something like that could work in America.

    the only problem is that health-care insurance companies make so much money off of fleecing us that they will use their lobbyist to fight this from happening

  4. there is already socialized medicine in america just think about medicare and medicaid.

  5. We already have it...Medicare.

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