
Do you believe that something as simple as a name?

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If it's meaning translates into negativity,can attract just that into your life?




  1. naah..its just stupid can be anything you want to be

  2. you normally attract the things you think about most

  3. Names have psychological impact.  If a name is negative and the person know what is means, over time the person can come to have negative thoughts.  I knew someone whose nickname was Monkey.  Over time, she started to feel very bad about herself.

    However, there are many names that have negative origins that people are not aware of.  Do you know that Dolores comes from Latin "dolor" which means pain or grief.  Are all Doloreses unhappy because of their names?  I doubt it.

  4. some religions believe that the person's soul is transferred with the name. naming after a good person brings a good soul to that person and the opposite is true, too

  5. If your name is "Stinky Compost", then some people might avoid you!

    But generally our behavior is the result of so many composite things that having a poorly chosen name could not be the major fact that forms your life.  So, no.  I do not believe that a name attracts itself to a person.  However, if a nickname is used that is offensive, ask others to please QUIT using it.


  6. No.

    A name is just an identity given to a person. The more value its meaning contain, the person has more self confidence. The meaning doesn't bring anything more than this confidence.

    Even if you have a low profile name and have high hope about yourself, you can achieve great heights.

    But it surely shows a difference in people's perception about yourself.

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