
Do you believe that sometimes, the fear of change makes us miss wonderful moments in your life ?

by  |  earlier

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For example, I want to live abroad, which could be great for me, even better than where I live now, but if I get scared of leaving home, I'll never have the chance to live this wonderful experience. Does this happen to you sometimes?




  1. Yes it does. I had passport, visa, job interviews lined up, trunk packed with china, linen etc all to go to Canada 34 years ago. 3 weeks before I panicked.

    Now I look back & think if only, I wish - but too late now.

    Don't let fear stop you doing anything - EVER!

    Best wishes. UK

  2. All the time!  It's fear of failure for me, that keeps me from trying new things.  I can always rationalize to myself some reason why it just wouldn't work.  I couldn't possibly start school now, since I'm moving soon.  I can't do this on-line program, because I doubt it would help me get a job, so it would just be a waste of money.  Yada yada yada and on and on.  I need a life coach!

  3. Fear can hinder you from doing things yea, fear of heights, fear of unknown..You fear of getting heart broken, so you dont date.

    You fear of being alone in another coutnry and so you stay at home in your routine.

    Your fear planes so you dont travel...

    sometimes it is good to overcome one's fear by facing it.

    At times certain fear need not to be tames, fear also represent respect aprtly. Fear of God. Fear of PArents. Fear of hurting those you care for.

    I think it is up to you to know which fear needs to be tamed and which ones need to stay. EAch things has a time and place in one's life.

  4. I believe that fear makes us miss LIVING !


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