
Do you believe that the Doomsday is set for December 21, 2012?

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mayan calendar, i ching and few european prophets have predicted Doomsday will happen in 2012. Scientists think pole shifting might occur on December 21, 2012 which might cause chaos all over the world like earthquakes, hurricanes etc.




  1. Art Bell mentioned this on his radio program just a few nights ago. Interesting subject. I think we will see a polar shift at that time, others may disagree, it's  just my opinion.  Evidently there will be a worldwide catacylsmic  events that changes the world as we know it. I have heard on the radio program too that the years preceding (between now  and then) 2012 will be very negative, ie: floods, crops dying, people dying, hurricanes, global warming, population die off, etc. But like many people I'll believe it when I see it. In light of global warming and the melting of polar ice caps etc, thus rising of ocean levels. I think we will see a polar shift.  But I can't confirm it. No one can! It's just a hunch!

    there is a website called that reports that this planet cannot support a certain amount of people on this earth.

    It will not be doomday like many believe, but rather a change in direction for all humans. what that means I do not know!

    there are other sites that go on about this, the truth is we do not really know. There may be world changes that occur before this date, but to think that all is fine till this date  happens is silly!

  2. Like a thief in the night.  No one can predict the end.

  3. A doomsday event is a specific occurrence which has an exceptionally destructive effect on the human race.The final outcomes of doomsday events may range from a major disruption of human civilization, to the extinction of human life, to the destruction of the planet Earth, to the annihilation of the entire universe.Doomsday events may include:

    Natural occurrences (a global pandemic,a gamma ray burst or other devastating blast of cosmic radiation,an abrupt reorientation of Earth's axis of rotation,etc...)


    Non-natural events such as:(the creation of a black hole on or close to Earth,Overpopulation , Global Warming ,Overuse of resources)

    Supernatural occurrences such as:(an act of divine retribution or the Last Judgment.)

  4. I agree with the first answerer.

  5. Pole shifting would not cause earthquakes or hurricanes, and scientists can't predict a pole shift to that degree of certainty. It's only conjecture at this point.

  6. No, we still have a long time before that.

  7. First of all doomsday predictions have been coming and going for years. I say if it happens it happens were all gonna die some day anyway!

  8. Only God knows! all we know is that Judgement day is very near --whether its  tomorrow or 100million years from now -is a waste of time --just be prepared for it.

  9. I am goldin' for dieing of old age lol.Idk,I live near the Gulf,Alabama.

  10. NO, scientists do not believe pole shifting will occur on December 21 2012, all they say is that magnetic pole shifting will eventually occur (as it has occurred several times in the past).  And I emphasize: MAGNETIC.  Which will not have an influence on climate.

    Stop swallowing this garbage doomsday stuff.  It was created by crooks to get money out of gullible people.

  11. No, and may I suggest you quit listening to Coast to Coast A.M.

  12. nobody knows... could be

  13. Actually, it's not really doomsday per se...not really a pole shift either but more a dimension shift from the 3rd to 4th dimension.


  15. Im not sure where you get that in the I Ching, but the answer is no.

    Its simply the end of the mayan calendar.

    The mayan calandar isn't perpetual like ours. Our calandar will just keep going infinitly, days, months, years, etc.

    The mayans had eras and periods of time plotted out.

    They only plotted up to 2012, and Im sure if they were still around, they would have added more to thier calandar by now.

  16. No. No matter what happens (even if Doomsday happen earlier) we should live in the present and not care about the future.

  17. I know that the Mayan calendar ends on that day.  But their idea of doomsday was not that the earth would be destroyed, but more of a "the world will never be the same".  I think that it is more of a rebirth.  Hinduism has a belief similar to that as well.  Maybe some major problems will occur that day that will change the way we live here on earth.  Hopefully for the better.  But I think something's going to happen then.  I'm not that type of person, but the Mayan calendar is such a magnificent piece of work.  I just can't help thinking that if something has been so right for so long, that it must mean something.

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