
Do you believe that the United Nations do their part in the world ?

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Well gents i really like your answers, pretty straight forward and i agree the UN is for ****




  1. No, the UN is all talk no action.

  2. No, the UN is just an official authority to suck American Tax payer money out of our pockets.

    How about the "Oil for Food" scandal,

    What has the UN accomplished in Rwanda?

    The UN secretary General Kofi Annan demanded the USA do more for aids in Africa, just after the USA donated 13 BILLION tax payer dollars for African AIDS.

    The United Nations refuses to acknowledge, that the Sun being 1 million times larger then the earth, could have anything at all to do with Global Warming.

  3. Not by a long shot.

  4. No they don't. What is it that they are supposed to do anyway?

  5. To bad on 9/11 the UN building was'nt hit they aint notheing but wolfs in sheeps cothing.

  6. The UN fights freedom everywhere people are struggling.  They figtht the anti-terrorist work of the US.

    They allow Terrorist countries to sit on boards that are supposed to stop the terrrorists.

  7. not really

  8. What do you mean by "United Nations"?

    You mean the UN Security Council? I think the permanent members of the SC are more concerned with posturing with each other and jockeying for position than actually helping people. The permanent members (USA, UK, France, China and Russia) have an enormous amount of power -- the only real power within the UN system -- and they squander it on squabbling. The SC is in dire need of reform.

    You mean the UN General Assembly? It has no power at all; it's just a discussion forum. It has no authority to do anything. It's votes are entirely non-binding.

    You mean the individual UN agencies, such as UNICEF, WHO, WFP, UNIFEM, UNHCR, UNFPA, etc? Absolutely -- they do so much with ever-shrinking resources and ever-more-pressure from donor countries to be in line with their own political agendas; I'm astounded at just how much these individual agencies get done in the face of so much political pressure by various countries.

    You mean the UN Secretariat? I think its effectiveness ebbs and flows, depending on the Secretary General.

    It's silly to condemn "the UN", since it's not a monolithic, single entity that speaks or acts with a single voice; rather, it's a loose coalition of institutions, some with more powers than others, all of whom work pretty much independently, and some of which don't work together at all.

  9. No, but the reason is they don't have enough funding. For a world organization, a few million dollars just won't do. Other than that, it relies too much on other countries, especially those with great influences. They do have successful programs. It's just that these programs are being overshadowed by its inability to tackle certain crises which it really has no resources to handle.

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