
Do you believe that the body is the mind? ?

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Personally i think this question can be open to much debate but please share with me your thoughts based on this question!




  1. weeell i think that the body imitates the mind and of cource without the mind the body can do nothing so i cant agree on that one.

  2. I think the brain controlls your body so, if your mind thinks you are sick, you get sick. if you keep thinking in trowing up when you feel not so well, you will trow up but if you read, watch TV or distract yourself, you'lll just forget it. When you hear talking about mties, fleas, you feel intchy. And without mind there wouldn't be a body, there would be a corpse. But yet, phisically, when you get hurt, there's nothing to do with your mind, your brain just gives you the sing that it is hurting, but with this I'm admiting there's no body without brain. Confusing?  

  3. The body/brain and the mind are a completely different thing. And the mind-brain interface is something that is very complicated and extremely (if not impossibly) hard to understand.

    The brain is just a physical component of the body. The mind is something that does not necessarily exist within the body but instead is the thing that makes the decisions and in some respects controls the brain.

    what do you think of the death penalty? right or wrong? Well this is a moral decision and it is your mind that is making it. Your brain is the thing that controls the expression of this view but not that makes the view itself.

    It can be gone into in much more detail than I have, I remember reading something about it in a book, "Gerald Schroeder - The Hidden Face of God" He talks about the mind brain interface (among other things)

    This aspect is not the main topic of the book so if you buy it don't expect that to be the case but he does have some intresting ideas.

  4. this question is really vague, but yes, the mind resides in the brain which is part of the body...

  5. I believe in dualism, not monism.  I just don't see our mind and our brain being the same thing.  Sorry, but no.

  6. The physical aspect of your reality as an individual requires a mental part to coordinate itself wholly.  You are many parts and you need the thinking part to make it all work in reality.  What would the mind do without a body to guide and make work its functions.  And what would the body do without a mind to help it survive all the more complicated things like getting along with other humans.  

  7. Yes. Firstly, mind and brain are one (affect one and you affect the other, the incorporeal cannot affect the corporeal (matter)). Secondly, our bodies actually define our thinking. George Lakoff gives a better description of this when discussion catagories, language and the brain, but basically our environment as we perceive it and especially as we interact with it defines how we understand and catagorize objects and situations. And we built our abstract reasoning on top of concrete reasoning based on these kinds of thoughts, so our whole thought process is defined by our bodies (and the environment they live in).

    Additionally, embodied cognition and affordances support this view.

  8. ehhh not really. barbra streisand.

  9. Well, I believe that our brain is what brings our mind to life..and in that sense our mind is a part of our body. The brain is the mind, pretty much.

  10. do i believe that the body is the mind, my answer would be no. do i believe that the mind is in my head, a definitive yes!

  11. the mind is the part that controlls the body your fingers typed this question which is part of the body but your mind thought of it .2 points

  12. I can go with the idea that the body is simply a construction of the mind - as in the way that all reality is illusory.  It seems more of a metaphysical kind of question - for most practical purposes, we have to think of our body as somewhat separate.  But that's just a convention, I suppose.  And there certainly is plenty of evidence that the mind has tremendous control and power over the body.

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