
Do you believe that the end of the world is near?

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I was watching a Christian channel for about 10 minutes last night and the pastor was taking current events in the world and interpreting them to the bible prophecies and was saying things like Armageddon and Jesus about to return.




  1. no the end of the world is not near the signs have showen but most are natural and can happen any time read revolation in the bible that shows wat god let john see at the last days of his life

  2. Not at all. Not anytime in mine or your lifetime

  3. Nope, I don't...if the xians want to believe that, let 'em go for it. They can panic and start preparing to leave this earth, and I'll continue enjoying Life. ☺

    It's true we humans are abusing our planet and some day it will come to an end, but that's many more millions (billions?) of years down the road.

  4. I personally am tired of all this "End of the world" c**p.

    If we give in to to the fear and hate, it really will be the end of the world. People thought the world would end in 2000 but it didn't. Seriously you people who think the world would end... it won't!

  5. You want the truth?  We have a little more than 7 years left unti l JC returns.....start with the following link and then do your own research from there.

  6. A child is born,is an indication that life goes on,anything can happen at any time,but all is mainly done by us.Nature fix itself as time pass by.I think that our world will last at a natural existant for 250 billion years before self distruct.

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