
Do you believe that the greatest harm can result from the best intentions?

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If you do, what leads you to believe this? For instance many people think that communism is a great plan that sounds good on paper. But it doesn't work when put into reality. I don not agree with communism in no way shape or form. Maybe that's why feminism reminds me of communism. My women's study teacher told me that Feminism has a lot to do with Marxism. She even openly admitted that she herself is a Marxist.

But if you read the definition of Marxism it's noting but uniformed working class, pay, labor, food, etc, etc, just as communism. So my question is this. Do you believe that like a lot of ism's in the world they (Feminism, Communism, Marxism) seemed to have soured at some point in time?




  1. Oh yes. Good observations.

    Oftentimes, people may start off with the best of intentions, but at some point, their 'ego' might kick in and take over... this is one of those aspects of the human that is tricky to set aside at times, and to remain objective and level-headed, instead of allowing oneself to be led merely by emotions, group validations, taking things to extremes, etc. Sometimes, when people do this, they start to impose themselves and their views upon others.

    In other words, some "ideals" become corrupted by self-serving motives and agendas, or are taken to extremes.

    Interestingly, it can go so deep that even when others express some common sense to them or expose their hypocrisy, they are so self-absorbed, that even these things (hypocrisy, convenient applications of terms, etc) are somehow justifiable... the "end" (which is conveniently changeable) justifies the means.

    I think that that occurs within many ideologies.

    Of course, there is much more to it than that (and people have their own perspectives), but this is what comes to mind at the moment, and my brain is not running well at this hour.  :-P

  2. With how you stated the question, i do believe that intentions started out great, but down the line people forget what they have striven for to the point that the initial idea is forgotten and they carry on with a altered viewpoint.

    With Marxism, after seeing the results of how people used his ideas, Karl Marx stated that if the popular methodology represented Marxism, then he was not a Marxist. This is a very bold statement from the creator of the Marxist way of thinking to the people that have changed the ideology of the movement to suit there own beliefs and interpretations.

    We can also see in other manners how the initial start of a movement has caused great harm. Take 9/11 and the aftermath for an real-world example. We went after Osama bin Laden for the atrocities that he has brought upon us, but now, there are stories and rumors that we are committing the atrocities upon the Arab peoples in the name of world peace and the war on terror.

  3. ya baby. Nice body. Us masculinist love you. Feminism is just irrelevant movement that want to opress men and are elitists. They want to sit high in ivory tower and watch men and domestic women slave away.

  4. No.  Pardon me for putting this in such layman terms.  Take for instance; the following three people, A,B and C.  Person A did something to person B that resulted person B to lose family and friends; along comes person C and asks person A why they did as they did; only to have person A reply with I was trying to help person B.  The greatest harm is only done by intended bad intentions and, or bad intentions that are cloaked with good intentions; both results are always going to be bad.

  5. There is a saying: The road to h**l is paved with good intentions.

  6. Well, modern society is all about having social, economic, and lots of other freedoms. Unfortunately, this results in a somewhat unstable society that can be very diverse, which leads to potentials for problems.

    Communism appeals to some people because, in theory, it assures that most people will have a somewhat equal life - meaning there won't be a big gap between the rich and the poor like there is now. It would also eliminate a lot of the instabilities of a democracy caused by public opinion and previously-established freedoms, like the Bill of Rights.

    But in the end it fails because it turns people into drones. It doesn't allow for freedom of speech or individuality, two things that are highly valued today.

    People who still go for these radical ideas (feminism and marxism included) usually fail to see the big picture or don't appreciate life for its uniqueness and diversity. They've been scorned or felt unequal in some way, and as a result, would prefer an all-in-one solution rather than deal with life as it is.

    I doubt any 'ism' will work in a primarily-democratic society. People just wouldn't accept it.

  7. I see it here.  A lot, actually most of the women here supporting the feminist movement are good women with good intentions.  They've been misguided by a lie, but the movement is still being driven by good intentions.  Marxism is the same way, the lie on paper lures good people with good intentions to drive the movement.  Good intentions are actually a very powerful tool for deceit.

  8. Oh god yes, I believe that the greatest harm has come from the very best of intentions on a small scale; my mothers boundless love for my brother has caused her to over feed him and as a result he is now at least 30 lbs overweight and he's only 13.

    A lot of these have started out as "I have an idea and it should change the world for the better". Communism sounds great in theory- free transportation etc but there is no moving forward because no matter how hard you work you get the same as those who are lazy, Feminism is just too extreme and really pisses me off because they let the chauvinists have their fun (the other extreme of the spectrum)Don't get me wrong I hate the double standards and have fought them most of my life but in reality I AM a WOMAN, with a period, if I get pregnant and the guy I'm with leaves- I deal with the problem, I get the abortion and I deal with the bills because I AM a woman. These ideas or even ideals sour when they meet human nature which tends to corrupt for benefit. Think about it this way, deep inside; would you rather be the one holding the gun or would you be the victim? As much as I abhor violence I would rather be the one to live. If you know what I'm saying. Even religion, christianity- originally it came from mesopotamia- the stories I mean, they were borrowed and changed up a bit (so that the snake god who created now became evil) and look where it lead---> the crusades and murders justified in the name of a GOD, meanwhile nowhere in the bible did it say that you go to heaven if you kill the non believers. You see what I mean?

  9. Theory isn't practice.

    But that doesn't mean people should stop thinking or planning ways to make the world a better place.

    Most people could agree the world isn't as good as it could be, and most people have ideas how to make it so.

    Marxists have one vision, capitalists have a vision, and feminists another. In fact, feminists from generation to generation and various individual points of view have lots of different visions.

    It's just a matter of how you see the world, what your own experiences have been and how you think things could be improved.

    A wonderful idea can be spoiled by greed or lust for power, but it doesn't mean people should stop having great ideas.

    And no, I don't actually think the greatest harm come from the best intentions. I think the greatest harm comes from apathy, the good people who stand by as evil does its work in the world.

    Cheers :-)

  10. An individual's best intentions may not be everyone else's best intentions hence providing an answer to yes, the greatest harm CAN result from the best intentions.

    In regards to the 'isms' that exist in our society it depends.  Granted we who follow capitalism and a have a democracy may not agree with communism/marxism, but that's because we've adopted to the way of life we have.  The chinese and the cubans seem to get along with communism well because their people have adopted to it, and in their conservative manner would rather keep it that way.  Can they sour? Yea, but any kind of 'ism' can sour, even capitalism.  The 'freedom' we have obviously gets out of hand, and with such diversity and expression you get chaos when so many different views want things their way.

    So that's just my opinion.

  11. Many good ideas have been spoiled by the greed and hunger for power that humans have... In theory .. communism is as good as the theory of democracy ... but both have been distorted by those who get power .

  12. Very intelligent observation.

           The feminist movement is tied to a global socialist movement. Not to sound like a conspiracy nut but feminist law and ideology is paving the way for a world socialist government.


          Marxism is about control and certainty. All it is , is an industrial form of feudalism. As noted most feminist's have control issue's. They tend to speak down towards people with dissenting beliefs and view things as rigid never changing.

    For example: Feminist's continually use case studies,fact's and other data from the 1950's-1970's to continue to justify there "positive discrimination" man hating programs.

    But I suspect feminist's will begin to protest how unfair positive discrimination is to get it removed. As a way of cementing gains they unfairly made by discriminating against males in the education system for the last 20 years...

    I suppose that's another subject...


    "The road to h**l is often paved with good intentions"

            Most things start out with the best of intentions.

    As people become more powerful they start to feel entitled. Look at our own government. Many reformers who started out in the 70's and 80's are now the old guard type they ran against and defeated.

    It is much like the old Greek tragedy's.

  13. Yes i believe so, a classic example is super rich parents i know some of them have the best intentions to give their children everything they want cos they can afford it, which there is nothing wrong with that

    But the harm comes when some of those children grow up and they expect to get everything they want just because they demand it

    If you dont believe me watch a few episodes of My Super Sweet 16 and you will see why

  14. I believe that the difference between the three is negligible.

    A rose by any other name smells just as sweet.

  15. I was part of the feminist movement in U.K last century the communist feminists were more vocal but by no means the largest contingent who were probably socialist or goddess .

    The whole movement was unbelievabley split -politically but still managed to be sisterly and co-operative.

    i was anarchist still am and in a very small minority.

    I have never since then experienced such a wave of good feelings - utter joy - a minor vision of the power to change our own lives it was euphoric for a while - I owudl not have missed that tiem of fierce debate and complete dedication to bettering womens status. In 1960 we were still 'things' seriously down-valued despite what women had achieved in the war. My mother was a dock welder - expected to leave her job after the war to make room for men but she was the only skilled time served welder in the factory and had to be kept on to be part of teaching the men coming in

    and it was quite a while before she got equal pay.

    We were facing this kind of unfairness all the time.

    yes of course isms sour - the rainbow fades - gets dirty and you have to find out where the little glimmer of light to try to make things better  has gone next.

    But there is nothing quite like collective energy for a cause.

    I am glad that there were anti slavery movements anti capital punishment movements - femisnt movements so we got the vote and equal standing in law and a modicum of equal pay.

    it shows we are human and want society to be better.

    For me the dividing point is who has the 'power over'.

    these two quotes say it for me .

    Anarchy is liek boiling porrage you have to keep stirring it up or it gets lumpy and indigestible.

    'Tom Robbins' Even cowgirls get the blues.

    peopel fight for what hty believin adn despite theri best efforts lose. Then the thing they fought for comes about despite their loss but turns out to be not what they meant.

    Other people have to fight for the same things under a different name.

    sorry not verbatim Wm, Morris News from Nowhere

  16. Yes, but in most cases, it depends on the people in charge of the movement instead of the movement itself. (Marxism, which is fundamentally harmful, doesn't count.)

  17. I think that if anything seems good on paper yet fails miserably...we, as humans, made a serious error on paper or in the execution.

  18. The greatest ham can result from many things, but if you ask me, the greatest ham would result from the greatest pig.

    When you get some at the deli counter, ask them to slice it very thin.

  19. This is why intention can never be a purely intellectual exercise. It has to involve the spiritual, physical and communal aspects as well. anything else is doomed. Even our capitalism has failed where it hasn't recognized the needs of the human person.

  20. This one time I was wingman for my buddy so he could hook up with this italian girl from the university of buffalo. Turns out they got together and she made him miserable for 2 years. It was like she snatched his balls from right under him and put them in her purse. So yes, it is very possibble.

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