
Do you believe that the little angel calli is alive?

by  |  earlier

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Do you think her mom killed her as everything she said is all lies and her partying all them days she didn't look worried at all.I think they should keep her in florida jail ' till she tells what really happened.How can her parents be so gulliblele and believe that she is with the babysitter still>?????




  1. I frar the worst.

  2. If she's a angel than she is dead.

  3. I would very much like to believe she is still alive, and pray that she is.

    As time goes by, the chance of her being found alive seem to be less, and less.

  4. I pray that the little one is ok, but, reality is, if she were really with a babysitter, wouldn't the babysitter have come forward by now? I believe that the authorities should keep her incarcerated until the little one is found. I have a terrible feeling in the pit of my stomach about this case.

  5. As sad as it is to say-I think shes dead and I think her mom did it-whether it was intentionally or not.  Her mom just needs to stop being a moron and tell the truth already-it will come out eventually.  

  6. I agree with you---seems like the whole family is not playing with a full-deck---I want so badly to find that the precious little jewel is alive and well----yet in the recorded phone conversations I heard things said to make me feel that poor little Caylee may no longer be with us---I cannot explain--only a feeling that came over me in something said---wish I had a copy of that conversation so I could re-play it to find the exact statement--then her mom calling the police about the smell of a dead body in the car. And all the lies---lack of concern---I feel anyone that calloused is capable of anything. I think she feels she is above reproach as long as the body is not found. If so she will trip up one day----miserable excuse for a human being.

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