
Do you believe that the media, newspapers, television news, and the radio are controlling are minds?

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  1. only as much as we let them....dont think i can get more specific than that - i refuse to watch/read such media because its always the same thing just a differnt day and life is hard enough without being reminded of it 3 times a day on the news

  2. Now you see, this is what my husband calls the Kool Aid drinkers.  Everyone who is so easy to control with what the media puts out is a Kool Aid drinker, and everyone who follows suit.

    Do your own research on what you see or hear on the news and then come to your own conclusion.  The media is a controlling institution who wants to scare us into anything.  The are worse the Monsters Under Your Bed!

    One example, is the current presidential race.  OBAMA  can do no wrong, every time he does or say something that is true to his character, the media comes and makes it look like gold.  We will never have an unbiased media, they work to scare you.

  3. Unquestionably.

    All you have to do is look at the media in foreign coutries.  Everyone has their own slant.  The objectives of the powers that are in a certain area will be put forth.

    Each country will have a range of journals.  Some will be liberal, some conservative and everything in between.  

    If you examined the same story described in the journals of 5 different countries you'd have 5 different versions.

    Each country has its own version of history and the objectives put forth in its media will reflect their version of history.

    If you have the ability to speak another language you will have a distinct advantage.

    I would like to challenge you to pick up a copy of the economist some time - a british publication.  It covers issues of the day and weekly events and comes out once a week.  You will notice that what it says will not be repeated the way they are in the US media.  Some storys you find there won't even be mentioned in the media here.  And some storys mentioned in the US won't be there.  I'm saying that the economist should be blindly believed.  But I will say that you will be able to notice other biases there besides that of the US media.  Pick up an Australian journal sometime or a South African.  You need to keep aware.

    Also - watch the video "outfoxed".  It is documentary about the bias of fox news.

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