
Do you believe that the "War on Terror" can be won?

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Do you believe that the "War on Terror" can be won?




  1. No. But an effort to derail an attempt of terror is better than nothing at all.  I sleep better knowing that something is being done.

  2. No, and  here is why.  In order to truly and effectively combat terrorism, there are certain things that need to be done, and the majority of the population would not allow those willing to fight the war, the means necessary to win the war.  In doing so, terror will continue to survive and keep us in fear until we finally man up and take those who create fear down, swiftly and concisely.

  3. No, it is a gross waste of time, resources, and national treasure.

    We need to focus on anyone or organization that poses a threat to us, eliminate the threat, and end the war.

  4. There will always be terror of some sort.  We've seen it homegrown in many examples.  I do believe that we can change policy and strategy to reduce its role in the world.

  5. Has the war on drugs worked?

    Simply put, we do not identify the reasons for the problem, or choose to ignore them.

  6. No. There will always be terrorists out there. I think that the way we handled Iraq has led to more terrorists worldwide not less.

  7. of course it can, but we need more money and more troops to do so.  do you think you will be soo willing to give that stuff up?  I doubt most americans will, sadly.

  8. As long as there are people out there who hate us for no reason other than our religion or the fact that we are Americans, then we will continue to fight.  This started long before 9/11, a lot of people choose to ignore such events as the hostage situation of the former US Embassy in Tehran, the 1983 Beirut barracks bombing, the Oklahoma City bombing (done by a former Sergeant in the US Army who had some bad ideas), the first WTC bombing in 1993, and several other attacks that happend since.  The easy answer for some people is to assume we can just duck our heads in the sand and hope they leave us alone but that will never happen.  These terrorists will not be happy until every single American is either dead or converted to their ideas.

    An easy way to break it down for little kids who worship people like David Icke or Code Pink is to look at the Necromongers from The Cronicles of Riddick.  Except replace Necromongers with terrorists and replace the Underverse with the total destruction of America and Christianity in general.

    We might not be able to win but we can sure as h**l stop them from bringing the fight to American Soil.

  9. It can never be won because people will always have different views on land, religion ect.

    As long as there is people like Bush then there will always be people fighting him and the goverment.  

  10. Believe me or not, there is no TRUE war on terror, but war on OIL. If this is the case, war on OIL can be win. Just wait and see

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