
Do you believe that there are really all these people have multiple babies that need help with names?

by Guest33589  |  earlier

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i mean maybe a few of them really are, but its hard for me to believe that there are this many people who have twins and triplets and i even seen a sextuplets. and they are all here trying to get help with names. do you believe it?




  1. Yes there are people everywhere looking for baby names and we see a lot because it is hard to figure out 4 or 5 names that go together well! Anyway that is my outlook on it! Hope I Helped!

  2. There's like 6-8 billion people in the world, so yes, I believe them

  3. Yes I do, as there many many more people having sets of babies then not. Apparantly a large number of babies is very popular!

  4. i was thinking the exact same thing! no i don't believe that this many ppl would be having quads and sextuplets...twins i can understand, they are common.  but i agree with you.

  5. Eh, sometimes I vote on names for the points.  

    Who knows how many people are really reproducing.

  6. No

    Sometimes I click there names, and then check out the questions they asked

    Yesterday, there was one, all her questions were about the Jonas brothers and miley, She said she was pregnant with four, so I suggest

    Nichols, Joseph, Kevin and Miley for the names, since she was such a Jonas brothers fan

    Sometime you can tell, most of the time, in case like that I do not Answer

  7. Nope. They're just bored teenagers looking for a thrill.  

  8. yeah, why not? this is the internet, it reaches the whole world. And with the high use of fertility drugs out there, i totally believe there are peeps with 4, 5, 6 babies. I don't believe it occurs naturally though.

  9. I believe that most of them are real. There are billions of people in the world. The people on here are just a small group of them that are having children. Either way, I like to give name suggestions for anyone that may be reading them.

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