
Do you believe that there is no such thing as rape in marriage?

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I was talking to my friend recently and i cant remember how it came up but she told me that there is no such thing as rape in a marriage because men have the right to have s*x with there wives whenever they wanted to. she is a female and she is a virgin. i think her view is affected by the fact shes a virgin. If she wasn't shed know that sometimes you really really don't feel like it. does any body else agree with her?




  1. if she isn't okay with it and he forces her into it, its still rape end of story. however the fact that they are married kinda symbolizes that they are in love with each other and that they'd both want to have s*x with each other. trying to convince the courts that it wasn't consensual may be very hard but its not impossible to do so. tell her to look into the legality of it. just because two people are married doesn't mean that they always want and/or need the same thing. she just needs to prove that to the courts.

  2. I disagree with her! If its not consensual it is rape whether you are married or not.

    Men do not have the right to have s*x with their wives whenever they want!

  3. thats a really good question.

  4. I think you would have to look up the meaning of the word "rape" and then decide whether you think  it can occur within marriage.

  5. I disagree, s*x, if not consensual, is considered rape whether married or not!!

  6. I'm sure there is but proving it in court is an interesting and I think rather indispensable proposition in its own right

  7. When one person forces another to have s*x against their will, it is rape.

    Being married has nothing to do with it.

  8. That used to be the case surprisingly not too long ago but now courts recognize that marital rape is a punishable offense.

  9. DISAGREE 100% --you should have her watch the movie "Whats Love Got To Do With It". The Tina Turner and Ike Turner story. Maybe this will change her mind or open her eyes.

    Warning: This movie maybe (too) disturbing for her.  

  10. She's naive and wrong. Rape is rape.

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