
Do you believe that this country is still divided economically by race?

by  |  earlier

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what about socially by race?




  1. Economically yes, but not all by race; there are some poor white people too. Socially by race, definitely, but there are some of each race who are insular this way, so it's not all "Whitey's fault".

  2. have you seen my username...

  3. marx lived off other people....

    yes, we are still divided economically by race.  that doesn't automatically mean that those who are lower income CANNOT become higher income.  personal responsibility and effort is key to everything.

    yes, we are divided socially by race.  and THAT doesn't automatically mean the racial divide is exclusively caused by one group or another.  

  4. No, I think it is divided by greed and intelligence.

  5. yes..look  at the census numbers

  6. It depends on where you are. Maybe a long time ago, the variations were more apparent, but not today.

  7. yes, of course and to deny the governmental statistics would be ignorant.

    Now, if blacks would decide to go to work once in awhile then it wouldn't be this way but this isn't going to happen so what can one say?

  8. No, every race has the option of getting a good education and fitting into society.  Some folks do not want to be part of the mainstream and that is their choice.

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