
Do you believe that this time of year IS the Season of Ostentation?

by Guest62780  |  earlier

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It's well known local knowledge that in N.I. there are "5 Seasons" - Autumn, Winter, Spring "The Marching Season" and Summer"

Should a "Season of Ostentation" now be added to that list?

QUOTE " An underlying tension persists at Christmas between the charity of the season and its glittering extravagance. "




  1. I think we should add a season of ostentation

  2. HELLO! I believe OSTENTATION is a year thing, seem like most people have this conduct: Fussy, Flourish, Boastful, exhibitioners, Braggers, and display themselves in many different ways all year long! The evidence is all around us, you can see the show offs at the Malls a lot! You take care! Jimmy.

  3. That's a good idea to add a season of Ostentation .

  4. In the realm of th elderly there is no glittering extravagence. Good quote,

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