
Do you believe that we are headed to a depression?

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If so should we change our investment accounts to strictly cash?




  1. We are definetly not headed to a depression. We may not even be in a recession. Keep saving, and always remember that stocks are a gamble. My bet is if you are afraid of the stock market, get out and put money in a high investment money market account. That way you know it is safe, and you continue to make money on it. Plus, it is always a good thing to keep some cash hidden in your house, because if some disaster did hit and you needed money, you couldn't get to your bank to withdraw it.

  2. Headed?  h**l we are in one already.  It's just going to get worse as long as we keep giving our jobs to companies over seas.  

    Have you seen how much United States imports from other countries.  It's just sick.  

    The other day I was going through the house and I was looking for items made in the US.  I live in a 5 bedroom house.  Kinda gives you the junk we have to furnish our house.  Out of everything I looked at, I only found about 45 items that said Made In The United States.  Everything else was made in Japan, China or some other country.

    Do you remember about 10 years ago you would walk into Wal-Mart and they has signs saying they save 100 or so job's to American Workers.  What happened.  Once Bush signed that agreement to make product in other countries.  Every sinn was taken down and our jobs went to other countries.   That's not the only Big Business that did it.  100's of othere did the same.  Now we Americans are paying the price.

  3. The smartest thing to do before the crash would have been to not assume the government would bail us out. They aren't on our side when it comes to money, and they never have been. History repeats itsself, and it will again this decade.

    I already feel a recession, but I am managing, knock on wood.

    I changed my investments strictly to cash and for some reason karma rewarded me for it. If you understand anything about the energy of money, you will understand what I mean by that. I lost 30% last year in the stock market using Edward Jones, the highest ranked people, and so I cashed out and didn't look back. I couldn't afford to lose anymore. I couldn't afford that, but I took my losses and went on.

    I do believe we are teeter tottering on the edge of a recession, and if we aren't careful we will end up flat broke on our backs begging for food.

  4. I don't think a depression recession yes, people are living off credit cards and not living in their means. I have credit cards because I need credit history and use to only pay cash, but that not good when it comes to buying a car/home because they need to see history, so I will charge only what I can afford to pay back just to get the history, so if you pay by cash it not always a good thing we as society need to stop being so materialistic and stop trying to keep up with the Jones

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