
Do you believe that we are not alone in the whole universe. that there are other creatures out there?

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Do you believe that we are not alone in the whole universe. that there are other creatures out there?




  1. It would only be too arragont of us to assume that we are alone in this vast universe ^_^  

  2. in a way yeah. tho i believe there are angels and demons. (not sure if there is life on other planets, there are plants tho lol)

  3. There definitely are other beings out there. I'm sure they're doing what they can to connect with us the same way we're trying to find out about them. I think it's funny that we may have already heard from them, only we don't realize it.  All those beeps we hear through our radio telescopes could be female aliens asking for directions to earth. If they were male aliens, they would have already visited us.

  4. I believe we are not the only life. Look to the vastness of the Universe and still it is beyond humans to even begin to chart it. To every star there is a chance for life, a chance that there is more than just us humans. Humans enveloped in the immeasurable distances of space. There may not be life beyond us but it seems plausible to me that there is. It would be pure ignorance and arrogance to gaze upon the stars and say that life is not possible.

  5. I believe that the probability that we are the only conscious life form that have evolved in the universe is exceedingly low.

  6. YES.I do

  7. I for one most certainly do. And I believe that they share the same characteristics as us. As if somehow each planet had a similar 'life making' layout. Eyes ears mouth and nose.

    But I fear the other planet's beings coming to visit us, in spaceships or whatever, and we'll assume war, and kill them. Because thats how the authorities will probably behave. And I dread that moment, I really do.

    I also fear if we are engaged in war with another planet...

  8. I believe this even though no one knows this. Drake's equation is interesting. I think it calculates rationally that over 10,000 planets harbor life (or intelligent life i think). Just knowing that there are billions of galaxies and billions of stars in each one is enough to make you extremely credulous to the idea of extra-terrestrial life, and tremendously arrogant to believe otherwise.  

  9. For sure.  They might not look like us, be advanced in certain fields and backwards in others, (compared to humans) but that they/it are intelligent beings is certain.  According to the law of averages.



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