
Do you believe that we have a book in us?

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i mean everybody




  1. yes

  2. Yes...I think we all have a story...whether it's short or long...but we all have a story.

  3. every body has a book in them ,even those who live an uneventful life ,just depends on how u present it .imean ,look at seinfelt .(the show, not the person)

  4. Of course we do, everyone has a story to tell. It's just a matter of whether or not the person has the ability to create eloquent and coherent literature.

  5. well yeah, its technically an autobiography..

    each person has a different story to tell-most of the time... boring unless you're Frankenstein or something.......

  6. i sorta do..i ate the pages of a puffin book when i was 16 for a bet.

    But i also guess that everybody has a story to tell...but not everybody is a very keen writer.

  7. Yes I believe it is in all of us......

  8. i think i have more than one book mybe five .

  9. Iv'e got my breakfast in me.

  10. yup

  11. literally, no.

  12. Not unless you have had an unfortunate incident in a library...

    Are you refuring to "destiny"? I do not believe that life is set out in a "book" before us. We make our own choices in life.

  13. Yes.

    Its called an Autobiography.

  14. Go to sleep

  15. Yes,I wrote one once upon a time.Would anyone want to read it-even I was bored.

  16. It is possible for everyone to have innumerable stories...

    Everyone being a author of absorbing colourful incidents interwoven into the reality of life!

    The rest perhaps based on the imagination!

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